or as-I may-have called-it Space-Station PaPa, originally released-in Russian 22-December 2022 then digitally dubbed-in English as Last Signal 9-September 2024 is a Russian Science-Fiction movie about an estranged-father stationed in a space-station manipulating its-system including-cameras to save his daughter when asteroids suddenly shower Western-Pacific region(in-the form of seeking-and-relaying computed-information than actual physical-aid). this, at-the cost-of draining critical-resources needed to sustain his own-life aboard the now-damaged space-station – wrecked in-half after the initial-wave of meteors passed on-its way to-Earth.
* * * * * SPOILER-AHEAD * * * * *
from a common school-girl found anywhere around the developed-World, addicted to her smart-phone throughout the day-and-night. the second-half comes when its the daughter’s-turn to hatch-into a damaged-tanker ship marooned on the beach, to open its water-sprinklers as it will explode from leaking-oil if left-burning.
Yes, its premise is way-out of ridiculous-scale as Russian B-movies go, but its graphic-effects is quite-realistic en-par with Hollywood like Deep-impact 1998 and 2012 movie-released in 2009. NOT-just realistic-pictures, but near-3D effects on destruction coming your-way and cracks on-walls spreading to eventually-break//
[ REALISTIC MIS-MATCH ]- Yes, there-were several Soviet’ “firsts” at-the dawn of space-exploration, but the-States could easily-have foreseen this earlier
- AND they-could’ve done much-better than 7-minutes 35-seconds warning imminent-to collisions – though understandably: these are much-smaller “showers” (though destructive-enough to take-down buildings en-masse) spreading a wide-area (Australia, NZ Okinawa entire-Japan-and-Korea plus Primorsky-Territory at Russia’s South-Eastern-end), than huge-single meteors depicted in previous Hollywood movies.
- audio-dubbs were available only in Hindu, until English is now-available on its second release this-year yeppie~
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