UnLocked SIM-free iPhone 6S Plus
September 20th, 2015 12:24 PM | by koreatech | iPhone.
This Post is about finding Carrier-UNLOCKED SIM-free versions of iPhone 6S and/or Plus, in U.S.A.for use in South Korea - thus introducing the Woman in Rose-Gold :
Early reservation for iPhone 6S and Plus began Saturday September 12 2015 for pick-up ...Read More
Which Apple iPhone 6 6 Plus Model Version Can Be Used in South Korea SK KT LG Carrier
September 16th, 2014 11:57 AM | by koreatech | iPhone.
Apple nor telecommunication carriers offer ample information for foreign travelers and expatriates, especially before an iPhone is released into the consumer market, thus it is up to ourselves to conjure-up facts, which gets clearer as more perpetual tourists actually begin ...Read More
iPhone 5S A7 Processor Bright Camera Enhanced Battery Thumb Scan
September 10th, 2013 10:06 PM | by koreatech | iPhone.
( September 11th 2013 4am wrap-up )
iPhone 5C specification similar to current iPhone 5 in plastic casing,
offered in variety of colors of white, yellow, green, blue and red
16GB $99 / 32GB $199 on 2-year subscription
iPhone 5S exterior almost similar to ...Read More
Bringing an American Bought iPhone 5 into South Korea for LTE Use
November 17th, 2012 10:43 PM | by koreatech | iPhone.
Can I buy an iPhone 5 in the States to use it in South Korea with LTE ?
Yes, selectively but you won't get full product support within South Korea .
- following information is known to be Globally true ...Read More
Korean smi SubTitle Setting vlc Player Latest Version 1.1.11 2011
July 16th, 2011 12:00 PM | by koreatech | SoftWare.
The World is NOT a perfect place, and far from it when playing videos . more-so when you consider necessary audio codecs, and now if you want to see Korean translations on it -_- aside from the language knowledge AND ...Read More
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 IE9 internet Explorer 9 compatibility with Korean On-Line internet Banking
March 21st, 2011 07:00 PM | by koreatech | Windows.
as a concentrated dwelling culture in a small Peninsula where optic cables are rather easily linked
South Korea boast the fastest domestic internet connection on Planet Earth
and like neighboring Japan has taken a step further in doing ALL in a cell phone
a bulk of ...Read More