EveryThing You Ever Wanted to Know about SmartPhone Usage
including Apple iPhone and SamSung Galaxy in South Korea


( Preface ) the emergence of SmartPhones a decade post-Millennium, have changed the demographics of cell phone usage AND the whole portable devices scene including mp3 players and electronic dictionaries . this has happened even in South Korea, where although now a mighty iT information technology Power-House is NOT Apple country by nature .

I have decided to add this ‘SmartPhone’ Page in addition to the existing ‘Cell Phone’ Page instead of editing the latter to keep record of those memorable times, as all the cell phones we had are like nostalgia of past lovers ..

a ‘Page’ on my BLog is a statuisque content expected to hold true for a couple of years, more reminiscent of information and Guide,
while a ‘Post’ – divided into respective ‘Categories’ – is more of an instant trend that accents the joyful moment in electronics migration,




[Q] wait, what about Roaming INTO South Korea with my current cell phone I am using abroad ?

[Q] OK, as we started with Roaming .. what options do I have when Roaming abroad with my cell phone signed-up with a Korean carrier ?



[Q] I will be teaching English in South Korea for only a year or two . I could just pass-by with a cheap used cell phone bought from my predecessor, right ?

[Q] I am really new to this SmartPhone scene . Where do I start ?

[Q] is there a brand or model you would recommend out of the biggies in Apple or SamSung ? or how about the others like Dell and Sony ..

[Q] would I still need a SmartPhone when I plan to get an iPad or Galaxy Tab ? for after-all, a SmartPhone is a miniature Pad or Tab without calling-phone capabilities ..



[Q] I know you already have extensive information Pages on South Korean cell phone carriers .. does it get different on the newer SmartPhones ? in decide which Telecommunications company to choose .



[Q] what Data ? on a cell phone ..

[Q] what is “Data Sharing” ?

[Q] then what is Wi-Fi and WiBro ? aughhh !

[Q] what are “Eggs” that come up when subscribing to a cell phone carrier ?

[Q] what is 2G, 3G, 4G and then the latest LTE coming up with the NEW iPad Third Generation ? anticipated to be included in the next iPhone 5 (or perhaps the NEW iPhone 5th Generation)



( Post-Note ) in the End it is Your LifeStyle that Matters ..

  • will you be mostly working in your Office ?
  • or at Home ?
  • or even have to bring work Home and vice-versa ?
  • or just out to have fun in the Land of the Morning Calm ?
  • will you be travelling a lot within the Korean Penninsula ?
  • or frequently abroad ?


to be continued,

– Korea Tech BLog, March 20th 2012 –