[ Acer ]

although Taiwanese hardware is much better than Chinese, not-so on their products’ purchase, use and repair in South Korea . which also means they have only a single service center where you will have to send it in, if you don’t work or live around the Capital of SEOUL .

601, 6th Floor, ChungJin BLDG., 53-5 WonHyoRo 3-Ga, YongSanGu, SEOUL
Tel.1644-2225 Mon~Fri. 9am~6pm, closed national holidays


[ HanSung ]

I myself was surprised circa November 2016, to find the affordable-Korean computer and laptop maker now has roughly a hundred support centers around the Peninsula ! this almost solves the problem, as the major downside (the other one is inferior, cheap-looking design) to purchasing this cheaper-brand was the worry of fixing it in case of repair .

Here’s the ≫LiNK≪ to its Support Page listing all their direct-run support centers in one whole page .



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