Computer LapTop Support Centers


[ Acer ]

although Taiwanese hardware is much better than Chinese, not-so on their products’ purchase, use and repair in South Korea . which also means they have only a single service center where you will have to send it in, if you don’t work or live around the Capital of SEOUL .
601, 6th Floor, ChungJin BLDG., 53-5 WonHyoRo 3-Ga, YongSanGu, SEOUL
Tel.1644-2225 Mon~Fri. 9am~6pm, closed national holidays


[ HanSung ]

I myself was surprised circa November 2016, to find the affordable-Korean computer and laptop maker now has roughly a hundred support centers around the Peninsula ! this almost solves the problem, as the major downside (the other one is inferior, cheap-looking design) to purchasing this cheaper-brand was the worry of fixing it in case of repair .

Here’s the ≫LiNK≪ to its Support Page listing all their direct-run support centers in one whole page .



– Korea Tech BLog –

4 thoughts on “Computer LapTop Support Centers

  1. i bought a hansung laptop from gmarket this year.
    yesterday it stopped booting and so it can not pick the operating system. also my friends pc,same model got the same problem last week.
    i am aking for a service center near by seoul or seongnam that can handle our case as early as possible,
    we are also students at gachon university and use the computers daily
    waiting for your quick reply

    1. Updated above page with a LiNK to the whole HanSung Computer support centers with maps, which includes one in your immediate area in SungNam //

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