inCheon Airport Electronics Duty Free

The Most informative Visual Guide to Buying Electronics at inCheon Airport
( if you’re in a hurry : enlarge the last map on this Page )
partially updated 2015.4.12



  • Duty-Free Shops do NOT sell telecommunication products requiring cell phone carrier subscription, thus no iPhone nor iPad 3G or LTE versions but do sell iPod Touch and iPad Wi-Fi versions (Appended December 2015 : Shilla DFS now sell ALL variations of iPhone 6S on their On-Line mall, to be picked-up at major airports but tend to run out-of-stock fairly quickly still re-stocked regularly)
  • in South Korea : electronics are still cheaper at larger On-Line discount stores,
    (but On-Line purchase requires Citizen or Alien Registration Number, while payment can be local/foreign credit cards or bank transfer)
  • newest models like digital cameras – especially Sony and Panasonic – are introduced at Duty Free Shops (usually a Month) earlier than Official imports, OK the order goes like this :
    1. Japanese domestic models are out first, with noteable difference in that menus are usually limited to Japanese alone
    2. international models are release about a Month there-after – at times with a slight change in model number (very very confusing for the international jet-set) – and sold at Export corners of larger electronics discount outlets like Yodobashi Camera, Big Camera, Sakuraya and Sof Map
    3. Official Korean imports commence anytime a deal is struck between the importer and Japanese manufacturer, where sometimes a model is omitted all together -_-
  • but if you plan to stay in South Korea longer than a Season : better opt for Official imports to be safer on product support issues in case of repair,


( For Your Reference) November 2013 at Lotte Duty Free inside inCheon Airport
versus On-Line shopping malls which have the lowest price, which as below is sometimes cheaper than Duty-Free :

  • Sony HX30V compact camera display model $350 vs.local W400,000
  • Sony HX50V compact camera $500 vs.local W415,000
  • Nikon 7100 DSLR camera with 35mm F1.8 lens $1500 vs.local W1,250,000
  • iPad Mini 32GB $518 vs.Official On-Line Apple Store Korea W500,000
  • iPad Mini Cellular $700 vs.Official On-Line Apple Store Korea W770,000



  • there is NO Official Apple Store in all of the Korean Peninsula, except an On-Line Store,
    with a handful of Premium ReSellers and Shops spreading branches by the Season in metropolitan areas
    and the best counterpart in inCheon Airport are designated booths in 3 Duty Free Shop’s electronics areas as shown below,
  • the next-best alternative is my Airport Apple Stores Page
    linking ReSellers and Shops NEAR airports or relatively easy-access-to throughout South Korea,
  • best bargain in the World on early iPads are at Korean Duty-Free Shops :
    1. for they regularly give out W50,000 discount coupons, at their website or look them even at Airport Express Train seats !
    2. on top of that most Platinum Credit Cards get another W10,000 off,
    3. but note South Korea is among latter countries Apple commence distributing new models,
    4. after a Month to 3 Months after initial release, local On-Line shopping malls would have better price though -_-


[ LOCATION MAP ] updated December 2013 :
few points to remember as even inCheon Airport is much conjested after leaving its place from Gimpo, much closer to Seoul as the mostly domestic but semi-international Airport to serve the Capital :

  • know that among a total of 3 larger electronics sections in Duty Free Area when departing : 2 is in the Main Departure Lounge – on opposite directions – while another is further at the Concourse, accessible by underground tram – making this a LARGE triangle and no-way you can take a good look at ALL 3 with your usual 1~2 hours before the plane takes-off .
  • if you are serious about shopping within these areas, go-in early as inCheon Airport is among the largest in the whole wide World, taking much legwork to roam across the Main Departure Lounge, even before contemplating a short ride onto The Concourse,


with climbing-motion in mind, will list the plane embarkment gates on top,
so you will be entering this Duty-Free area from immigration clearance at the bottom :

1. Shilla (Department Store) Duty Free Shop (includes electronics section on Left)
at dead-center (next to information Desk) of the Concourse boarding area of inCheon international Airport
Tel.82-32-743-4988 open daily 7am ~ 9:30pm (head office Tel.82-2-2639-6000)
Official WebSite

The Concourse is a new additional boarding building
accessible by taking an underground shuttle tram from the initial Departure Lounge at bottom :

2. Lotte (Department Store) Duty Free Shop electronics section
inCheon Airport 3rd Floor Departure Lounge
Tel.82-32-743-7779 open daily 7am ~ 9:30pm (Head Office Tel.82-2-759-6600)
Official WebSite

electronics corner is at the green icon between Gate 11 & 12 (towards 12) on the Right Wing in the map below :
3. Duty Free Korea (is a company name) electronics section run by Korea Tourism Organization :
open 7am~9:30pm Tel.82-32-743-2000

[K5] icon between Gates 41 and 42 (towards 41), on center of above map

plus an additional electronics section selling only SamSung product around Gate 43
but somehow never shows on Official maps .. I wonder why ?



*all-in-one map of the Electronics triangle in the boarding area of inCheon Airport (updated 2015.4.12)
– color-marked in YELLOW so click on the photo once and then again, to enlarge into its original size –

( RELATED LINKS ) updated December 2013

  • 13.12.15 Official inCheon Airport guide maps list ≫ LiNK
  • 14.6.29 inCheon international AirPort Electronics FAQ ≫LiNK
  • 11.5.17 Buy Purchase Apple iPad 2 Duty Free Shop Store inCheon AirPort Serving Seoul Korea ≫LiNK
  • 12.4.29 Apple Stores near inCheon and GimPo AirPorts ≫LiNK
  • 12.2 inCheon AirPort EXPRESS Train ≫LiNK


  • 12.2 Korea MAPS ≫LiNK
  • 12.4 Korea Apple Store Directory ≫LiNK
  • 12.10 Apple Stores in KangNam, Southern SEOUL ≫LiNK
  • 11.2 Apple-Contracted Support Centers in South Korea ≫LiNK

have iPad, will Travel
– Korea Tech BLog, May 2012 –

19 thoughts on “inCheon Airport Electronics Duty Free

  1. Hi,
    I will be in a transit at Incheon Int. Airport. I would like to buy one Nikon DSLR and one Samsung(Any model like Galaxy) Mobile phone from duty free shops. Can you please suggest me from which shop/dealer should I buy these and can you please tell about the warranty issues.


    1. moving your question to a relevant Page is the most I can do, as some are readily answered within and others throughout this BLog, so Hope You have a safe trip //

  2. Can i know whether i can buy Ipad AIR2, 64GB,Wifi at the inCheon airport. If so can i know how much will it cost?

    1. I list four electronics stores in the Duty-Free section on this BLog : Lotte, ShinSeGae, SamSung and Korea Tourism Co. You should find at least one among these (except competing SamSung) but they are out-of-stock often, and I deem Lotte has the most chance .
      still, You will have to pay full-price listed on Official Korean Apple website, for electronics in South Korea : especially mobile device are much cheaper on local On-Line shopping malls and more with credit card discount and point-accumulation and deduction .

  3. I will be in transit at Incheon International Airport next week. Just wanna find out if are there any available apple smart watches on sale at duty free shops.and please tell me about the price. hope you will reply soon on my email.will be waiting.

  4. I have a stocking query, and I would like to contact the SONY store at Incheon directly.

    Which e-mail address should I use?

    Best regards, g.

  5. same reply to ALL inquiries above
    1.there is no electronics-brand store, directly operated by its manufacturer, at inCheon Airport (BOTH outside Check-in section AND inside Duty-Free) aside from European fashion brands – neither Apple NOR Sony .
    2.ofcourse local conglomerate SamSung is an exception as they have one on West Wing, Left inside Duty-Free zone noted on our map on Top Menu . contact the three major Duty-Free Store operators here : Korea Tourism Co., ShinSeGae/Shilla and Lotte Shopping who does have Apple, Braun, Canon, Leica, Nikon, Panasonic, Philips and Sony corners within – whose scale changes regularly . a good example to how they change what they sell : one-or-more vendors now sell iPhone 6S (though larger capacity and Rose Gold / PLUS run out-of-stock quickly) which they didn’t at the time of this Post – but may still be limited to purchase at their website, to be picked-up at the airport .
    5.I should note price on electronics at Duty-Free Shops is almost full retail price, as South Korea is such that much-better price can be had at On-Line malls, but require resident status for payment and delivery .

  6. Can I buy Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Factory Unlocked Phone 32 GB – International Version G935F- Black Oynx in Incheon airport? Where and how much?

    1. although matters change periodically at Airport duty-FREE areas, they still have not and do not sell any kind of cellular phones . your best bet is to arrange for one at one of the popular local On-Line used-markets (where they still sell new devices), and have the seller meet you at the airport .

  7. Hello
    I will be at the airport in APRIL and I want to buy LG V 20 smartphone.
    Do you have it in stock and who much it cost ?
    Tank you

  8. Hello,
    I am presently at the incheon airport. I was refused entry and leaving back tonight via Ethiopia airline. I need a Samsung galaxy S6. Can I be delivered and pay instantly??
    Waiting for your response
    Best regard!

  9. I will be transiting in Incheon next week. Do they sell Lapel Lavallier microphones in any electronic shops in the airport.

    1. Not at any local Airport Duty-Free, and you may still have to search a while even within South Korea for this but Good-Luck

  10. I will be spending one night in Korea,however i would like to buy a Samsung mobile phone at the airport Duty Free.Do you have any recommendation with reasonable price.

  11. Hello,
    Can u please tell me prices comparison of apple devices in korea airport and outside shop in kore?
    Are prices more in aiport than outside shops in korea?

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