Which Apple iPhone 6 6 Plus Model Version Can Be Used in South Korea SK KT LG Carrier

Apple nor telecommunication carriers offer ample information for foreign travelers and expatriates, especially before an iPhone is released into the consumer market, thus it is up to ourselves to conjure-up facts, which gets clearer as more perpetual tourists actually begin setting-up their new devices .

I have to note that the hey-days of iPhone is gone on the Korean Peninsula, as while it was making news during the belated 3GS and 4 : hardly one out of ten people in a bus or subway carriage would be seen using an iPhone after 5 and 5S . as local media deems Apple a company to go broke any time .. thus it is only those faithful geeks, nerds and Korean students studying in the States returning regularly who follows-up on the latest Apple mobile devices . I have turned to the Dark Side a Year now, only updating iPhones for colleages with American or European business partners .

*This is NOT about ROAMING IN South Korea with your iPhone signed-up abroad, but purchasing iPhone 6 abroad for use within South Korea because it is again thrusted way-behind the list of early-release countries .



first you need to look at Compare iPhone 6 Models at :

and 2/3 down on the Page stating Cellular and Wireless specifications .


second, take a glance through iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Tech Specs :

onto 1/3 down on the Page listing Cellular and Wireless compatibility

  • iPhone 6 : Model A1549 (GSM) / Model A1549 (CDMA) / Model A1586
  • 6 Plus : Model A1522 (GSM) / Model A1522 (CDMA) / Model A1524

any model above should word when signed up with predominent SK or KT cellular carriers . although iPhone 6 can now be subscribed to LG (carrier brand is U Plus) with the addition of VoLTE, it is not yet expected to work 100% throughout the Peninsula, so hold it on LG for now .

then again the matter of getting an unlocked phone for use in South Korea . you can get one from T-Mobile if you pay Full-price on-start .




the favourite country so far, to purchase an iPhone before belated Korean release date was Hong Kong because :

  1. Japanese cellular carriers noteably early iPhone contractor : SoftBank locked their device to keep subscribers from migrating to other carriers . this continued rigidly from iPhone 3 until the recent 5S .
  2. Singapore and Australia also sold Korean-compatible models or versions, but was quite far on physical journey (the coolest Apple-fan I saw while on iPad 2 was who flew directly to Fukuoka, bought two at Apple Store Tenjin, then flew straight back)

ofcourse its resale price plunged as local release was imminent, but vain are die-hard Apple fans around the World ..


but the good news is that Japan will begin to sell SIM-Free models on the upcoming iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, although their Official WebSite warns LTE may yet not be compatible on selective countries . but is expected to work in South Korea . Japan begain early reservation from September 12 Friday 2014 .



– Korea Tech BLog –


[ iPhone 6 and Plus LiNK ]

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