my latest beauty greeting Spring of 2013 :
Saffire Radeon HD 7850 OC D5 2GB Dual-X Graphic Card PCi-Ex
1. in a visual World where a person’s first impression is stamped by his/her image
2. and to a being whose Universe is validated by what he/she sees around him/her,
a graphic card becomes a deciding factor in choosing a computer system . also to the game maniac or movie fan, it can be the most expensive peripheral in assembly . with graphic card speed evolving every other Season, this will be a general guide to select, buy AND sell video cards in South Korea come Spring of 2013, and NOT a recommendation on specific models . also, this is a basic guide for the laymen, so almighty tweakers please head over to the hard-core sites and forums ~
- Radeon or GeForce
- imports and Korean
- Which Model to Choose
- Video Built-in Main-Board or Mother-Boards
- Where to Purchase and Buy
- Warranty, Product Support and Repair
- Used Graphic Cards and ReSale
- for NoteBooks or LapTops
[ Radeon or GeForce ]
you can join the ever-lasting war on debate between the two of the World’s dominating graphics card monopoly from manufacturers ATI/AMD against NVidia, both of Taiwanese descent . go surf onto the many sites for that . while as a rule-of-thumb the former is best apt for motion pictures with splendid colors, and the latter geared for the game enthusiast on the latest state-of-the-art 3D . you best decide for yourself, as it really cannot be done on a showroom or computer store, but on a trial basis as you exchange slots for several Months . eventually you will get the feel, and would be able to tell the difference as soon as you boot-up a new card and start viewing your favourite movie or game . I am a movie aficionado thus has always stuck with ATI, but feel NVidia catching-up a good Decade past the Millennium .
but with both camp constantly developing : its price-factor will come into action, where you can watch out for (hard-to-come-by) sales or credit card discounts on certain On-Line malls . plus a popular card emerges now-and-then which would sell-off quickly in time of re-sale, so in the long-run it would a juggling act : switching between either .
[ imports and Korean ]
asking whether to purchase one from home and bring it to Korea would be futile, for as one of the most sensitive part in a computer you want one that has Support Centers near you . plus most expensive ones come with a couple of fans attached – a constantly moving part – at the mercy of the passage of time .
as a much Modernized, developed and computer-literate – actually cannot do without – nation, most popular models abroad in the States as well as Europe and South-East Asia are available in South Korea . however, the best-priced and the most powerful models are those imported by a popular company and tweaked – or over-clocked, then adding their name onto the manufacturer’s brand name . some local companies are constantly making their own – Made in Korea – but is negligible in sales as well as popularity, and I would certainly advise NOT .
two notable companies worth of mention : emTek and Zortac . the former sells tweaked Radeon and GeForce imports, and had a tiny office in the Northern back-alley off YongSan Electronics Market . they now have their own proud building although two-stories high : behind SamGakJi Fire Station and have their own shuttle bus doing rounds to the neighboring electronics district and YongSan Train and Subway Stations .
Zortac a larger Hong Kong-based company recently began selling with a total of FIVE years warranty, when most competitors offer THREE (March 2014 Update : lengthened to SIX Years with earlier 3 years FREE). situated again in YongSan Electronics Market across Electronics Land and an alley behind .
[ Which Model to Choose ]
this is in Dedicated Page section on the top of this BLog, with contents expected to hold true more than a Year, as opposed to periodical Post on the Center whose popularity last at least a Season on local trend .
thus I will not recommend specific models getting faster roughly 2~3 times a Year . but will give you clear pointers in price 😉
- the most price-conscious would be just below W100,000 usually good enough for general computing,
- a mild choice are W120,000 ~ W140,000 usually a popular model with some specifics left-out,
- and the most popular would be either around W180,000 or W220,000 giving quite power yet affordable,
- you are entering manic gaming zone at W280,000 and professional gamer’s dream starting over W400,000
[ Video Built-in Main-Board or Mother-Boards ]
from Fall of 2013 intel HD4000 have begun to be added in some popular boards – and I mention this as this is the minimum criteria for enjoying general movies and games as built-in option . this is a good option for your second computer which you would use more for business or downloading .
[ Where to Purchase and Buy ]
if you are seeking a stand-alone graphics or video card, would mean you know about basic assembly so as always : On-Line is the cheapest, with Malls run by conglomerates a tad higher but with more friendly return and exchange practices – also they have regular discounts on certain credit cards ! um, coming from a mileage freak //
as a whole it is a choice between On-Line malls and YongSan Electronics Market, for electronics districts in other cities including Busan or Pusan, AND buildings near your area who promote themselves as “electronics district” would NOT have a wide array of choices nor popular models -_-
[ Warranty, Product Support and Repair ]
watch and read carefully the title on the box as most central computer parts support depend on it : fore-most it is taken care of by a local branch is the large company has one in South Korea, or will be done by its importer – whose reputation differs and well distinguishable from local forums ofcourse in Korean .
most warranties currently are THREE years from the date of your purchase so keep your receipt . and virtually all malfunctioning ones are exchanged on-the-spot or via next-day courier service, instead of repair . it is common practice for vendors or manufacturers to give you an alternate model if yours is now out-of-production .
[ Used Graphic Cards and ReSale ]
even the oldest model almost extinct will fetch a price, even low at Seon-in SangGa building mapped in my YongSan Electronics Market Page on Top Menu . and as always you can get the most deal for your used device on On-Line forums and communities, most requiring national citizen ID to sign-up, so can ask a local friend for that if you don’t have one . ideally, a male high school or college student would know best where to sell what . note :
- here it is vital you get a popular model as it will retain its value, and some (although NOT common) even adding premium if it turns out to be a hit ! still does happen on tweaked-by-importers ones .
- the best time to sell is when you have to take in for repair, then sell the one its Support Center exchanged after testing it – this will mean to your buyer : that it is refurbished quality checked by the vendor or manufacturer 😉
- the next best time to sell is around two years after, when your device still holds a price with warranty left .
[ for NoteBooks or LapTops ]
as of Spring 2013, RAM memory and SSD or HDD in most notebooks or laptops can be changed by the user after purchase, BUT not CPU’s nor graphics or video cards //
basic notebooks or laptops come with graphics or video built-in into its CPU, while more advanced AND expensive models will have a separate card in addition to it, and the system automatically making use of it when deemed necessary .
– CGV iMAX, Korea Tech BLog –
Hello dear
I want used graphic cards and motherboard from South Korea
I need a big quantity
If you have give me your WhatsApp and KakaoTalk please