UnLocked SIM-free iPhone 6S Plus

This Post is about finding Carrier-UNLOCKED SIM-free versions of iPhone 6S and/or Plus, in U.S.A.for use in South Korea – thus introducing the Woman in Rose-Gold :
Early reservation for iPhone 6S and Plus began Saturday September 12 2015 for pick-up at selected Apple Stores ON Friday September 25 AND purchase at Apple OnLine Store to begin ship-out from the latter date . this will be for a dozen countries, among again South Korea is NOT included . it is expected to be released a couple of Months after that, while for those (NOT really) early adopters who are yondering on an adventure (it was for me on Apple Watch) to reserve OR purchase abroad : compatibility AND warranty becomes the issue .

as we are living in an age still with national borders AND Apple sales within each geared towards its own market, one has to acquire considerable information and at times get help from that target country . in doing so :

  1. stick to the most valid information : which are notices on their Official Website of each country,
  2. call if you have to : at Apple’s Official HotLine than a clerk at a regional Apple Store,
  3. best to neglect relevant Posts on fan and/or user forums and post-boards for many may be simply rumours and so much abound : it is hard to tell which is real .


most of the following were true when iPhone 6 and Plus came out, and would be in upcoming 6S and Plus :

[ FACT ]

  • early reservation can be done with an Apple ID in that country, but a foreign ID may be allowed if you have previous purchases .
  • early reservation proceeds without payment where each ID is allowed 2~3 devices, and NO changes nor cancellation allowed – so it is matter of showing up or not at pick-up date .
  • still a set of valid local identification is required at pickup ≫LiNK
  • iPhones 6S and Plus reserved AND SOLD at an Official Apple Store in Japan AND Australia are UNLOCKED SIM-free versions .
  • FULL-Payment, Contract-FREE T-Mobile option on iPhone 6S and Plus : most probably will still be locked into its carrier .
  • Verizon version however should be UNLOCKED and SIM-free, when choosing FULL-Payment or Contract-FREE upon reservation and purchase on-site . Verizon should work in South Korea but T-Mobile is the more sure bet .
  • Rose-Gold or Copper-Pink colors, especially Plus have closed early on while reserving AND would be much, much harder to get on release-day .



  • on iPhone 6 AND Plus : T-Mobile version worked in South Korea, thus should on iPhone 6S and Plus, plus Verizon is expected to be compatible with SKT, KT and LGT carrier frequency here on – as long as you purchase an UNLOCKED, SIM-free OR FULL-Payment / Contract-FREE version .
  • iPhone 6S and Plus purchased at Official Apple Stores in neighboring Japan, Hong Kong and Australia would be identical models with that expected to begin selling in South Korea : thus Warranty effective here ≫LiNK


finally, know : what-ever (for the name that Apple designates, seem to change every other year) re-sellers AND out-sourced repair shops in South Korea, implement an overtly strick (put nicely) or (actually) picky policy than the only Official Apple Store which is on-line AND relatively quite lenient on their Month-long refunds .



[ iPhone 6S and PLUS LiNKS ]

  • 15.9.30 Verify SamSung OR TSMC A9 Processor ON iPhone 6S PLUS ≫LiNK
  • 15.9.30 Buy iPhone 6S PLUS in US America Japan for use in South Korea ≫LiNK
  • 15.10.1 Apple iPhone 6S PLUS AND The Existence of God ≫LiNK
  • 15.10.1 iPhone 6S PLUS 128GB Rose Gold Availability ≫LiNK
  • 15.10.1 iPhone 6S PLUS Release Korea ≫LiNK
  • 15.10.1 Rasta Banana TuneWear Semi-Hard Case for iPhone 6S PLUS ≫LiNK
  • 15.10.8 apple-iphone-6s-plus-reservation-system ≫LiNK


– Korea Tech BLog –

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