SK T Pocket Fi M Manual

Better begin stating SK’s second T Pocket Fi (pronounced in Korea as Pie) M model number URoad-LFM300 made by ModaCom is different from the smaller original without the M model number SBR-200S, as it is made by a different manufacturer S Mobile .

  1. Original T Pocket-Fi Set-Up : URL address UserName user, PassWord 0000
  2. NEW T Pocket Fi M Set-Up : URL UserName user, and PassWord is the same as Wi-Fi password printed on backside of the device, after opening the battery compartment with your finger nails .

NOT much to configure on this pocket Wi-Fi device as those before, as most functions are set perhaps aside from the inner-messages to alert you of data amount usage . but you can set default 2.4GHz to 5GHz although it is meaningless as both KT and SK carriers put a 10Mbps cap on both down and uploads . and you can also change its password but let it be, as the default one is printed inside the battery cover .


information printed on the back :

  • SSiD : T Pocket-Fi xxxxxxx
  • KEY : T011xxxx
  • Manufacture Date : 15xxxx
  • iMEI : unique identification number


that said, you won’t normally need a manual for a router as figuring-it-out is half the fun, but you would want to know how the few buttons work AND what those 5 LED lights mean ..

Buttons :

  • ON : push lower small button for 3 seconds+
    all LED’s will light-up to boot in a few seconds more .
  • OFF : push same button for again 3 seconds+
    all LED’s will light-up then shut-off .
  • (Sleep-Mode activates by pushing top of the long button more than 3 seconds and stops by pushing another 3 sends but this function is negligible)
  • (Easy-Share function can be activated to let temporary access to a guest near-by, by pushing the bottom of the long button but again of not much use)
  • ReSet Button is inside after opening the hind lid, so push it for 10 seconds+ after which the device will revert to initial factory settings //


[ LED light meanings ]

  • incoming LTE signal :
    Green = strong, Yellow = mediocre, Red = weak
    Green blinks while accessing network,
    Yellow blink indicates login failure
    Red blinks when in inaccessible area
  • outgoing Wi-Fi signal :
    Blue = 5GHz Wi-Fi, Green = 2.4GHz Wi-Fi
    Green blinks while updating software .
  • Power/Battery :
    Green means charged, or 100~50% battery
    Yellow indicates 49~20% battery life left
    Red means charging, or 19~2% battery left
    Red blinks when only 1% battery left .
  • Easy Share –
  • ALERT !
    Green = USB Tethering
    Green blinks when signing-up for the first time
    Yellow = daily/Monthly allowance warning
    Yellow blinks past daily/Monthly allowance
    Red = LTE access blocked and may require reboot
    Red blinks when no USiM (SiM Card) or inaccessible
    Green & Yellow blinks on unchecked SMS message
    Yellow & Red blinks failing on first sign-up, may require reboot


Lastly a tiny USB gender in included in the box, to hang aside your device and this is because T Pocket Fi M can be also used as a back-up battery !

– Korea Tech BLog –

24 thoughts on “SK T Pocket Fi M Manual

    1. English Menu can be accessed at Top-Right icon
      then [Basic] >[Account & System Settings] >[Change User Password]

      better NOT to change its PassWord unless you use this at the same geological place
      as the default one is printed on the rear inside the flap .

      The whole SetUp Menu is quite extensive for a tiny, portable device but self-explanatory, so there really is no reason to ask further questions
      so no more inquiry on this please
      – still if you need further precise control : better settle-down and use a main-frame wireless router .

      1. I know to change the pasword, thanks for the info. You mean to say i can not use in India to this pocket fi.
        Model no-SBR-200S

  1. How to use pocket fi in india, network not available in pocket fi with LTE usim. I have pocket fi and i m in india, so plz look it this matter.

  2. We just got a few of these for our company. We cannot get these to work with our VPN is there a VPN pass through setting ? I cannot find directions in English.

    1. You set this-up once when you buy it, then are constantly busy toggling it around town and while traveling . so I vaguely remember there was this option, but how difficult could it be to look up VPN alphabets even on a Korean manual – if you don’t see any, it’s a No-Go //

    1. (1) shows on the first page when you log into your device (third column ‘DATA’)
      (2) it would also show on your account in SK Telecom carrier web-page
      ( where they would have designated a unique virtual phone number to your device )

  3. I use t pocket fi m 1 year from now. But then it is slow connection what do you think is the problem? Please help thank you.

    1. Yes you can, if you dig into its menu. I have since put up a NEW Post siting this so search “WireLess” on the blank space Top-Right //

  4. My device will not power on all 5 signs.
    When I try to hold the power button to turn it on, the LTE, battery and alert blind on and off (all green).
    What is wrong with it?

  5. How to use pocket fi in sri lanka, network not available in pocket fi with LTE usim. I have pocket fi and i m in india, so plz look it this matter.

  6. How to use pocket fi m in sri lanka, network not available in pocket fi with LTE usim. I have pocket fi and i m in sri lanka, so plz look it this matter…

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