ULSan Electronics Market

Korea’s Detroit, albeit automotive city (or rather town in relative scale) has only a single electronics market, whose name is carried over from mechanical days as “ULSan industrial Tools Market” near ULSan (out-of-city) Express Bus Terminal AND ULSan Farm and Fish WholeSale Market, aside from large-scale electronics branches such as SamSung, LG and Electronics Land (mapped below).

is crammed in a blue building whose 2nd and 3rd floor assembles computers . sorry, this is just about the /only/ place where you will have at least a few choices of which peripherals to buy in this relatively-rich city duh

this would be more for computer parts, while for home-appliance electronics such as TV, refrigerator, air conditioner and washing machine: can be had after looking around their show-room at Lotte Hi-Mart.

but have solace if you have only a few hours or days in liberty just landing-off a ship: this whole area is a shopping hub surrounded by (two) express-bus terminals, (two) department stores, movie theatre and super-mart !

View ULSan Electronics Market in a larger map

– 2014 when the Summer came early in June –

17 thoughts on “ULSan Electronics Market

  1. Hi,
    I am in Ulsan for the next 5 weeks and wondered whether there are any electronics parts markets nearby, or which ones to go to now in seoul.

    Particularly interested in connectors especially Arduino style connectors 6 & 8 pin m/f with extended pins (ie stackable) and small component boxes ~60x60x20cm or less.

    I can get other components such as resistors/caps/ICs at home in Australia.

    Would a side trip to Shenzhen or Beijing to the electronic markets.

    Thanks heaps,

    1. ULSan is one town relatively well-off even in the midst of local recession Thanks to its automobile industry, but only one small computer building marked on ULSan Electronics Market Page on Top Menu . if there are electronics parts in ULSan : it will be here . other-wise you can try your neighborhood city of DaeGu as it is a larger city to your West, but not South to the more large Port City of Busan as it would be better to spend an extra hour to head for the Capital of SEOUL opposite up-North . virtually all of electronics part can be found at YongSan Electronics Market well-mapped again on Top Menu : especially under-ground levels at Electronics Land and Seon-in SangGa Building 21 – both mapped .

      YongSan is a must if you plan on seeing the Capital anyways, and if you’re a true geek AND nerd : a handful of independent electronics-dedicated buildings at each end of SEOUL introduced on Top Menu, plus check out the beginning history portion of YongSan Page above to track-back to the older SaeUn SangGa – now turned musical instrument whole-sale along with NakWon SangGa, and the whole Guro industrial district at Western suburbs which has now transformed into future-planned i.T.buildings filled with small start-ups – many On-Line malls .

      but know that South Korea is such an internet-connected country now, that you will be able to find anything if you search on local engines such as Daum or Naver – meaning you will need help of a local friend or colleague . then you should be able to locate many more virtual vendors dotted around Western suburbs of SEOUL, more-so if you know exactly what you are looking for . other-wise with language barrier and Korean language search, it may be best you physically visit above spots as it will give you much joy just venturing around . then when you find a couple of stores to your liking : get their address or On-Line mall and you can correspond there-after 😉

      thus no need to consider a trip to neighboring China, for if it don’t exist here : there will be a bulk importer – ofcourse unless you wanna visit the famed Beijing Silk Market or Shenzhen sauna buildings (but approach with battle-armour).
      Good Luck and no more questions on this please as this is not the place for DIY’s.

  2. Hi. I am currently in town (Nam-Gu area) for a month or two and looking for a dealership who sells Polar Flow sports accessories (i.e puls watches, heart rate monitors etc). My gear has stopped working! 🙁
    Really appreciate any feedback.

    Thanks and regards


  3. Hello
    I study in UNIST at Ulsan and I need to repair my Lenovo i700 laptop (one cooler doesnt work).
    Can I repair it here?
    Thank you for your time and attention

    1. Ulsan institute of Technology is on the out-skirts so you have several choices among near-by cities including GyeongJu, GyeongSan, DaeGu and even Busan . still the only Lenovo support center in Ulsan would be your closest, South of TaeHwa River : one large block South-West of Lotte Department Store and Out-of-City Express Bus Terminal . 2nd FLOOR 1288-6 Dal-dong, NamGu Open 9am~6pm and until 1pm Saturdays

  4. Good day!

    I recently moved to Ulsan and was wondering if there is any place that might sell metal detectors. Want a new hobby and since I’m closer to the beach I want to try metal detecting.

    Thank you in advance!

  5. Hi, i am currently in ulsan for a few days only (working on a ship). I am looking for a replacement internal hdd for my dell/alienware laptop. Is there a store in Ulsan that sells laptop HDD’s?

    1. as I repeat times-over on this BLog ever since its beginning: the real-best way to purchase computer-parts and electronics in South Korea, (if you have web-access on the sea /or/ a confidante in Ulsan) is to order in advance and have it delivered to your branch office timed at your arrival date. this way, you have the best choice among a myriad of makers and models available around the Korean Peninsula.
      but if you don’t have this option, you have to search-out after landing: and the best you can do in Ulsan is to go to the very building mapped above on this Post – although you will have very little choice as it is tiny compared to what large-scale electronics district in the Capital offers. that said, it really is not worth your time to go to any other city (No, not even the closer Port City of Busan – just South) than SEOUL. its YongSan electronics market is linked to its own KTX bullet-train station and very close to SEOUL KTX Station.

  6. Hello!
    I need to repair Seagate HDD ST1000LM010, any suggestions? I’m from UNIST (Ulsan).
    Thank you in advance!

    1. if you don’t live or work in the vicinity of YongSan in the Capital of SEOUL, the only way to repair with or without Warranty is to send it in, either to its Official importer (who’s sticker is on the top-side of the drive).
      if yours is not purchased in Korea, you will have to contact through SeaGate’s Official website, where you will probably have no chance to have it repaired here though . note Warranty in South Korea is becoming stingy as two years for cheaper drives and 3~5 on the more expensive ones//

    1. Your English is fine and there are couple of ways you can get a new dedicated-battery. (You have to get a NEW one instead of a used one at one of reseller communities, as the detachable ones implemented until Galaxy 5 last-good for less than a year, after-which their tenacity plument-fast down-ward)
      1.Search On-Line at price-comparison websites or go directly to one of On-Line Stores, where they sell comparably cheaper than Official tags. older models sell from “bulk” meaning they don’t have packages but the same inner battery.
      2.yonder onto the nearest telecommunications branch (many more around than SamSung Plaza) – where they may not have your specific model, or SamSung Plaza (show-room and service center built into one whole building) where you can look around and get what you want on-the-spot but for full-price though.

  7. Hi, I am from UNIST, I have a hp-laptop, its fan make lots of noise. I would like to repair the laptop fan. Can it be done here in Ulsan.
    Thank you in advance.

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