there was an article today heading “TEN Reasons to UpGrade to Windows 10” on major local media in Korean, siting this unprecedented FREE opportunity for […]
Category: Windows
Windows 10 AND The Spanish Armada
let it be known that even until just before MERS Out-Break over the Peninsula : quite a number of business were still using Windows XP […]
Windows XP 7 SP1 vs 8.1 Update
What is the most-used OS operating system in South Korea and which one should I use ? Korea Tech BLog answers clearly and in detail, […]
Adios Windows XP
even to me : the most user-friendly Windows of all times : XP was Officially released now over a decade ago on October 2001 Yes […]
Windows 8 StartisBack Menu Add-On
What da heck is THIS ??? and Where do I START ??? like .. Microsoft blinked . yearning to get on the iPhone and iPad […]
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 IE9 internet Explorer 9 compatibility with Korean On-Line internet Banking
as a concentrated dwelling culture in a small Peninsula where optic cables are rather easily linked South Korea boast the fastest domestic internet connection on Planet Earth and […]
eDonkey eMule MOD File Sharing Program Hang Halt Problem Windows 7 FireWall
with the release of Microsoft Windows Explorer 9 many safe-zoned XP SP3 and Vista users are now upgrading to Windows 7 . however more and […]
How to Clean install intuit SiteBuilder when it won’t Open Windows XP Vista
intuit familiar to us for their accounting software, and has acquired HomeStead in 2007 to continue their simple on-Line web site building software even novice […]
using Windows 7 OS Operating System South Korea
the inevitable era of Windows 7 has grandeously started in South Korea – the IT State, circa the Second Millennium, Planet Earth, Milky Way – and this is what you should know, from the No-BS tech-BLog beyond Pacific Palisades ..