Captain America Winter Soldier CGV Yoido 4DX 3D SoundX Review
March 26th, 2014 12:54 PM | by koreatech | Avengers.
iMAX is immense spectacle for Avengers movies, but you want more . at the price of smaller screen, but you loose perception of grand screen size when wearing 3-D glasses anyways : so have opted for 4DX on The Avengers ...Read More
Noah 4DX Movie Review CGV YongSan
March 23rd, 2014 11:15 PM | by koreatech | movie.
West-ward view of the massive YongSan KTX bullet train station and iPark Mall multi-shopping complex . (both sides of the vacant plaza leading to it are blocked-0ff for construction, after pending-off one of the capital's red light districts) with iPark ...Read More
iRON MAN 3 iMAX 3D 4DX Digital SoundX Atmos CGV Lotte Cinema MegaBox
March 26th, 2013 11:58 AM | by koreatech | Avengers.
Platinum-Gold Suit
The Patriot Suit
iRON MAN 3 Tony Stark LIMITED EDITION action figure set
by Hong Kong manufacturer Hot Toys
April 19th Thursday in New Zealand
April 24th Wednesday Down-Under & France
April 25th Thursday in Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea
April 26th ...Read More
Avengers 3D 4D 4DX Motion Simulation Surround Sound Experience Review CGV Cine City ChungDam KangNam
April 29th, 2012 12:05 AM | by koreatech | Avengers.
from the long-time foreign residence of HanNamDong on the Southern slopes of NamSan (South Mountain), you cross the miraculous Han River (Han Kang) South to reach the posh KangNam (South of the River), where a real-estate boom over the 80's gave birth ...Read More
Avengers Digital iMAX 3D 4DX SweetBox Couple Seats CGV Seoul
April 18th, 2012 10:04 PM | by koreatech | Avengers.
before you ponder where you're gonna line-up for the NEW iPad 3, better save your SweetBox couples' seats at either WangShibRi or YongSan CGV in the Capital of Seoul . for although it's way~ back in the rear, you can take-in the "big" ...Read More
Which Titanic 3D 4D 4DX Surround Sound iMAX Where Seoul Busan
April 5th, 2012 06:58 PM | by koreatech | movie.
Released today April 5th Thursday 2012 showing in 5 versions at CGV Movie Theatres :
Titanic 3D ( Korea Tech BLog always goes geographically from West and clock-wise to South )
4DX 3D with Surround Sound
- only in Seoul at ChungDam Cine City
3D with Surround ...Read More