Which Titanic 3D 4D 4DX Surround Sound iMAX Where Seoul Busan


Released today April 5th Thursday 2012 showing in 5 versions at CGV Movie Theatres :

Titanic 3D ( Korea Tech BLog always goes geographically from West and clock-wise to South )

  • 4DX 3D with Surround Sound
    – only in Seoul at ChungDam Cine City
  • 3D with Surround Sound
    – only in Seoul at YoungDeungPo CGV
  • iMAX 3D (recommend by Korea Tech BLog)
    – Seoul : SangAm, YongSan, WangShibRi CGV’s
    – inCheon CGV
    – KyungGi : ilSan, SuWon CGV’s
    – DaeJeon CGV
    – GwangJu Terminal CGV
    – DaeGu CGV
    – Busan : SeoMyun CGV
  • 4DX 3D
    – Seoul : YoungDeungPo, YongSan, WangShibRi, KangByon CGV’s
    – inCheon CGV
    – KyungGi : ilSan, JookJeon CGV’s
    – DaeJeon CGV
    – GwangJu Terminal CGV
    – DaeGu CGV
    – Busan : Centum City CGV (experience the most futuristic shopping mall on the Korean Peninsula !)
  • 3D : most options so check
    http://www. cgv.co.kr
    and if you’d rather not install gruesome SilverLight, smartphone access at
    (also recommended by Korea Tech BLog
    and pretty neat because you can select seats in advance ;))


check my iMAX screen size comparison at previous movie links
where you shouldn’t go for anything less than
CGV WangShibRi > ilSan > YongSan > inCheon

4DX is the local on-theatre addition of smell, blowing-fan and water spray onto vibrating seats
but has a much-limited showing location, and according to those who have seen it today :

  • the seats vibrate only on apt scenes but
  • the wind blown onto you on sea-faring scenes are extreme such that you can barely understand spoken script
  • more-over added with sea-breeze fragrance
  • OK those expecting the water-splashes on the Jaws Ride at Universal Studios should not worry
    for they only spray mist at you 0o0

could well be a distracting insult on a masterpiece and overtly a joke for others, but since this time around the content is said to have been approved by Hollywood, so might be the time for you to try ..
but know it all happens in smaller showing rooms -_-


still might be the perfect movie to cuddle upon each other on CGV SweetBox couple seats 😉


 SmartPhone menu for Titanic 3D at CGV Korea movie theatres

from top :
– 3D Surround Sound,
– 4DX 3D Surround Sound,
– iMax 3D,
– 3D,
– 4DX 3D,




 and out the joyful mix of Titanic 3D viewing choices
the most all-in-the-pack punch
4DX 3D Surround Sound
ONLY shown at ChungDam Cine City in KangNam

above are seat numbers
going from Left-to-Right 1~16 and Front-to-Back A~H



 then the largest iMAX screen in the Korean Peninsula at WangShibRi CGV

front row A1~A25
middle rows up to G29
rear rows up to L32






 then the 3rd largest iMAX screen
(refer to my iMAX screen chart on other movies)

at the most traffic-convenient YongSan KTX Station-and-iPark Mall mega shopping-and-train complex

front row A1~A23
2nd row until C27
and the rest up to O27






  • 12.4.29 The Avengers 3D 4D 4DX Motion Simulation Surround Sound Experience Review CGV Cine City ChungDam KangNam ≫LiNK
  • 14.3.23 Noah 4DX Movie Review CGV YongSan ≫LiNK
  • 14.3.26 Captain America Winter Soldier CGV Yoido 4DX 3D SoundX Review ≫LiNK
  • 15.4.25 YoiDo iFC Mall CGV 4DX 3D SoundX Avengers Ultron Review ≫LiNK


Take My Heart Away ♩ ♪ ♬
– Korea Tech BLog, April 5th 2012 –


still afraid of sea-sickness or even drowning ?
don’t worry for Korea Tech BLog’s own UDT underwater demolition team could come to the rescue – but on 1/6 scale 0o0

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