Noah 4DX Movie Review CGV YongSan

West-ward view of the massive YongSan KTX bullet train station and iPark Mall multi-shopping complex . (both sides of the vacant plaza leading to it are blocked-0ff for construction, after pending-off one of the capital’s red light districts) with iPark Mall – largely divided into interior furnitures and electronics 0n the Left .

the center dome is the main KTX bullet train station with restaurant floors above it (floors 4~7 !). because the trains have to pass through ground floor and one above : the actual KTX bullet train station is on level 3 (while SEOUL Central and Subway Line 1 Stations are deep under-ground)

and opposite at Right : iPark Department Store with eMart super-mart under-ground and CGV motive theatre up on 6 & 7th Floor .
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6th Floor is for ticketing although many now have them in virtual app.on iPhones and Galaxies, and popcorn with another stand upstairs too . movie hall entrances are all up one level at 7th Floor where you enter each all high from the rear – to exit later below back to 6th Floor . they let you enter 10 minutes before movie time, after which the actual movies starts another 10 minutes later . only huge complexes like this contain iMAX theatres and this at centre with 4DX special effects hall next to it : upwards on the diagram heads North-East
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contrary to its title 4DX is NOT 3-dimensional . meaning : the video on screen is flat 2D . what adds on top of this are multi-directional sound (although CGV’s own SoundX is similar show-cased at their Yoido island branch), chair movement, plus extra light effects, wind-blowing and even water spray 0o0

  1. the chair moves almost 30cm up-down and side-ways making you feel like Captain Kirk on the bridge of USS StarShip Enterprise .
  2. that chair is actually a massage chair, because you feel the similar bump from your back – only two roller/nods though .
  3. at your head-rest on the chair are three tiny holes, from which pumped air blows swiftly .
  4. behind each seat head-rest you see two vertical holes, in which are two tinier holes each – making a total of four : for again blowing wind AND mist ! I say mist because it is like the lightest blow of water from an Evian can than water splashing out of a hose . so not-to-worry : none of your clothes will get wet as in Rock Horror Picture Show ritual-viewings, and they announce prior to the beginning of the movie that they use clear water so no fabric will get stained . no-way : it is the softest mist that you feel barely on your cheeks .
  5. on the ceiling sides are larger fans for stronger wind-blowing
  6. and lastly almost two-dozen spot-lights that flash for effect at the perfect timing .

so all that adds up to more than half-a-dozen DX’s than 4 huh ?

out of all~ the options I chose 4DX because there still is too much Evil in this World, and I wanted a new beginning as they say in the movie . in doing so, I wanted to be in the fabled arc . to feel the splash and float, then step onto a whole NEW World .

* * * * * SPOILER WARNING * * * * *

like the Stauffenberg movie Valkyrie : you know how it turns out . You knew there was going to be more talk than action . You have to give credit for the Angels-turned-giant rocks – much like the tree giants from Lord of the Rings trilogy – out to build the mammoth arc, because you don’t want to see day-after-day of Noah hammering nails on wood, throughout the movie .

 * * * * * SPOILER ALERT ! ! ! * * * * *

the Earth-shuttering bodily experience from The Avengers 4DX still with me : I have only to compare with this, even though knowing Universal action is quite a different genre from Biblical drama .

  1. I tell you again : I left The Avengers 4DX body shaking from its after-math, and felt the after-shock there-after for days . I mean : some of those chair-movements were over-Universal Studios and up Magic Mountain – was thinkin’ children and grandpa’s may have a hard time ..
  2. the confusion that my brains perceived were there – mostly by the push from a pair of massage nods behind your back, but over-cast by the shaking chair actions . because most of the time you were a third-person participant in the whole scene : but at a few climax points YOU were the one getting nabbed and/or punched . Yes, doesn’t compute while I understand the programmers (4DX is computed into the system post-production after the motion picture is finished) want to make this as moving-action packed as possible . this confusion is felt more as the action element is more sublime this time around in Noah 2014 .


* * * * * DANGER ! DANGER ! WILL ROBINSON ! * * * * *


  • strobe lights mounted up on front-side of the ceiling flash in perfect synchronization at action high-lights, and is quite effective aside from other video and motion effects .
  • the large fan/s somewhere at both side corners of the ceiling provide that full draft while flying . this time is not so intriguing as The Avengers or Superman when you /really/ could feel as if you were flying upon the clouds ~
  • and the main attraction of 4DX : the chair, the chair although shifted quite aggressively during The Avengers .. now offer that bird’s-eye view of gliding panorama . for older audiences this would resemble the 1965 classic Alps drama The Sound of Music . as when the arc is building and finally : when it gulp ! rains //
  • the poking massage rod buried into the chair above your waist level is a joke . was on The Avengers and  again is in Noah . for imagine : you get a massage push on the back when you get stabbed in the movie loser, loser
  • still the hiss of air extruding from behind your ears, as well as from the back of the seat in front of you, is the most unexpected because the holes are small you constantly forget it is there, and the timing with movie scenes are so perfect to the nano-second ! for you never expect to get suddenly slapped across your cheeks 😉
  • then the water . Yes I thought of bringing sprinklers as done for Rocky Horror Picture Show, but in this developed South Korea : you might get sued if you get it on the wrong party around you -_- and it is a Wonder, for the timing is surprising as well, but the subtle amount of mist just enough to evaporate just after reaching your nose .. is simply amazing . the most unexpected comes when the evil leader having infiltrated into the arc just when the flood started, begin to thrash innocent animals’ throats – and even when I told you so .


won’t you believe it : Yes, it is the “grunge thing”. didn’t expect it, neither I . so go watch iMAX (wish they had 2D for 3D looses the sense of grand screens).




  • 12.4.29 The Avengers 3D 4D 4DX Motion Simulation Surround Sound Experience Review CGV Cine City ChungDam KangNam ≫LiNK
  • 14.3.26 Captain America Winter Soldier CGV Yoido 4DX 3D SoundX Review ≫LiNK
  • 15.4.25 YoiDo iFC Mall CGV 4DX 3D SoundX Avengers Ultron Review ≫LiNK


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