as the second rush of Early Adopters-wanna be’s await for Official Korean release of Apple iPad, the earlier ones who have already used the […]
Tag: NetBook
Two Compact LapTops NoteBooks NetBooks to choose for Spring 2010
TWO light AND cheap laptop / notebook / netbooks in Asus Eee PC 1201 AND TG SamBo Everatek ES-110 shine 2010 bright .
4 Affordable NetBook NoteBook LapTops Light yet PowerFul Enough for Christmas 2009 in Korea
for Christmas 2009 amidst hard times of lagging recession expecially in South Korea here are 4 NetBook / NoteBook / LapTops with sufficient power for work, yet light enough to tote along between home AND work then even on the plane but most of all : very affordable 😉
Christmas Guide Which latest NoteBook LapTop to buy for 2009 2010 in South Korea
what you’ve always wanted to asked in buying a notebook or laptop but couldn’t because there simply was too many of a choice – a NOT so-dummy’s guide to selecting and purchasing a notebook or laptop in South Korea .
Asus holding on to NetBook market with EeePC S101H
Asus introduces another Atom EeePC S101H NetBook in between S101 and 1002HA
Sony does it AGAIN with Vaio VGN-P15L
Atom NetBook Vaio VGN-P15L the size of an Electronic Dictionary
Best Sub-NoteBook of early 2009 Dell Mini 12
Dell Mini 12 successfully joining the NetBook market dominated in South Korea by Asus EeePC series : with larger LCD, lighter, thinner .. only if it had more RAM and hard disk space ..
Best Sub-NoteBook of latter 2008 Asus EeePC 1000H
MotherBoard or MainBoard manufacturer Asus coined the term “NetBook” in the Summer of 2007 and gradually dominated the light, small-screened, no-frills sub-notebook market now challeged by LG, HP, Dell and Sony (in the order of coming popularity)