This Page concerns accessing the basic SetUp portion of your Router i.e., getting into your router menus to configure everything else – and NOT connecting to this (WireLess) Router to further connect to the internet :


but before you start tweaking, some basics you should know :

  1. network physically linked with cable lines are LAN (local area networks), where-as wireless takes the connection airborne, thus more susceptible to intrusion and hunch-backing,
  2. all wireless-capable device including your laptop and iPad come with a *unique MAC address in the form of AB: CD: EF:01:23
    which is used for separated devices to identify each other .
  3. ipTime routers have common setup menus among their extensive variety of models, only differentiated by its current firmware version . plus more recent models will have additional dual-band menus, such as 5GHz usage options on top of the current 2.4GHz and more recently : NAS (network-attached storage).



on your internet web browser or iPad/iPhone Safari, upper website address slot, input : “” (for ipTime routers)
this is the catapult if you are trying to guess ipTime’s settings from an English manual of a product common in your country, for while some companies also use this, others may use “” or “” and so on ..

on the appearing small window box, you will see THREE icons :

  • Center square is for automated device setup
  • and Right square for automated wireless setup,
  • but here will click on the Left square, for manual setup :
    ( because this is, after-all a Tech BLog, even though a much softcore one
    but those who have absolutely NO idea of what this is
    – you should opt instead the Center button for LAN-cable connected network
    or the Right button for wireless where ipTime would try to configure automatically
    BUT may allow others use your transfer bandwidth)

131211 ipTime A2004NS 8.86 English menu00Yel

there are TWO types of ID and passwords used on a wireless network, not to be confused :

  1. several names you see when searching available connections from a computer, laptop or iPad is each router’s SSID, which is usually factory-set as the manufacturer name or model number,
    and out-of-the-box will not have a password set
    but later if you implement one (recommended) : anyone trying to log-in will be prompted (asked) to input it,
    – rightfully this is your SSID and password –
    ( in automative terms : this will be your ignition key to drive your car )
    for ipTime : factory default SSID is ‘ipTime’ with no password set, so anyone around knows what maker you are using AND ride on your frequency !
    ( diagram D2 in Basic WireLess Router Protection PAGE )
  2. aside from using a router to ride on the internet, further-more you need another set of password to get into its setting to change the above configuration,
    and out-of-the-box, usually will have a very basic ID and password
    – thus will be your setup iD and password –
    ( in automative terms : this will be a key to get into your front bonnet )
    a new ipTime will not have any setup iD nor password, with free access for anyone around you to fix properties inside your device ! so you should change this ! (diagram immediately below)
    *March 12 2015 Update : ipTime has tightened security on their routers from firmware 2.50 where default ID and password (both) is set to ‘admin’ and will return to this when you Re-Set your device .

131211 ipTime A2004NS 8.86 English menu03eMon
*above capture is for reference only, as English firmware menu is an irregular exception and menu lay-out change as versions advance .


chart link of ALL ipTime router models, yes a wet dream for Mr.B :

12.7.2 ipTime Setup introduction ≫ LINK
12.7.2 3 Types of Basic Protection ≫ LINK

13.5.3 How to set advanced ipTime Security measures ≫ LINK
13.7.31 How to set ipTime’s NAS (network-attached storage) ipDisk ≫ LINK
13.12.11 How to reset ipTime router back to default factory setting ≫ LINK
13.12.16 Visit to ipTime Support Center for Repair in BunDang ≫ LINK

14.1.1 How to upgrade ipTime FirmWare ≫ LINK