Korean ThanksGiving (actual ThanksGiving on October 1 Thursday) Weekend lasts 5 full days in the year 2020, extended by National Foundation Day on October 3 Saturday . and in addition to that : next Weekend adds Korean (literal) Character Day on October 9 Friday to make it a 3-day holiday more . mapping-out YongSan Electronics District (extensif MAP on Top-Menu) is easy in the On-Line age as just about the only two buildings are Electronics Land “JeonJa Land” and Seon-in SangGa (add NaJin SangGa just North across the main Strip for WholeSale) .
- Electronics Land pronounced JeonJa Land will close only three days during September 30 Wednesday until October 2 Friday
- Najin and Seon-in SangGa will close from September 30 Wednesday until October 5 Sunday
– Korea Tech BLog, lasted updated on actual ThanksGiving Day October 1 Thursday