unlike Apple iPhones, SamSung Electronics Galaxy is relatively easier to get (LG smart-phones much more while Chinese phones aren’t popular in South Korea) on release date, while larger capacity in 512GB becomes available about a Month later . telecommunication carrier branches take early reservation two Weeks in-advance . and as business bad in the age of Corona Virus : unprecendented discounts stilll abound on preceding Galaxy S20 5G, but that is for three-year contracts to be paid in Monthly installments . who wants to keep the same cell-phone for 3 years in this constantly evolving World ? but one pro-aspect of purchasing from carriers – with installment contract – is their insurance on the physical phone itself in case of breakage and theft for mere W4000 a Month .
Note, prior to Galaxy S8 each model were carrier-designated meaning : intended to use for specific carriers such as SKT KT or LGT, more-over allowing special services such as TWO-phone number capability but from S9 all is integrated thus you can purchase any model from this period for use on any Korean carrier .
that aside, there were largely two methods you can purchase SiM-FREE Unlocked phones : by simply drop-by any of SamSung Plaza show-rooms in concentrated neighborhoods around the Peninsula, or buy used (but like-NEW) from second-hand forum that dot Korean On-Line life . the point was that no one wanted to give discounts on these but from last year as many users awoke to stay-away from being prisoner of telecommuncations carriers, a couple of Official outlets contracted with SamSung are giving slight discounts for early reservation . began with S20 5G and offering again now for Galaxy Note 20 .
Galaxy Note 20 & Ultra Release Date : August 11 Tuesday 2020
[ SPECIFICATION CHOICE ]Color : Note20 in either Bronze(dark pearl-brown) or Grey
. . . . . . plus (Telecommunications carrier-specific colors in)
. . . . . . BLue for SKT, Red for KT and Light Pink for LG UPlus
. . . . . . ULtra in either Bronze, Black or White
Capacity : Note20 in 256GB ONLY
. . . . . . . . ULtra 5G in either 256 or 512GB
– Korea Tech BLog