ipTime WireLess NetWork Router Basic SetUp Guide & English Setting Manual

Preface i. Automatic vs.Manual
Preface ii.Protect Yourself


we have many  inquiries on English manuals and setup suggestions for ipTime and AnyGate wireless network routers, as well as portable WiBro-to-Wi-Fi Eggs . so-much-so that I have considered simply translating a universal ipTime manual but um, I never really read their manual (update : OK I have glanced through over Christmas 2012 : quite confusing -_-), and rarely others so.. I mean, isn’t it fun tweaking all the options to see how virtual things connect ? for it is NOT dangerous as twinkling directly with computer hardware parts .. but really : basic setup for routers are common, so all you have to do is take an English manual from a popular router in your country and compare with the setting menu of your ipTime counter-part .



first of all, Korean and Chinese OEM routers including wireless and ipTime brand, work out-of-the-box (earlier American and Japanese models – though ever superior in technology, power AND out-ward stylish design, have ceased to be used widely in South Korea with the influx of local ipTime say, since 2009) – which are set in automatic mode – with default network set up by your iSP (internet service provider) such as SK BroadBand . but like any aspect of society, you are bound to be taken advantage of, if you do not take basic precautions to secure yourself in the wide-open (“www” is for World-wide web) Virtual World .

the initial “automatic mode” (Center and Right icons of diagram [B] on Access Login PAGE : Center for wired, and Right for wireless) are merely to “connect” your computer to the iSP  internet service provider’s line coming into your office or home . fine to test-up your connection, but you will eventually need to do more to secure your connection . ipTime may in time add adequate /automatic/ security as firmware versions proceed, but will NOT mention here because the manufacturer may change automatic mode any time, and I cannot keep track of it all for you .


as this is a soft-core technical blog for the laymen, will guide you through the most simple, thus very basic setup to protect yourself . meaning : NOT from harm’s-way – such as if someone is specifically out to get into your system, but enough to disable other people nearby, casually using your precious band-width if left bare . aside from portable wireless routers, iSP (internet Service Providers) in South Korea are generous in allowing unlimited usage, thus won’t hurt you if you have a casual house-wife surfing the .Net in your building, piggy-backing on your bandwidth . but a manic student set to automatically download on his home computer even while out in school, can disrupt your over-all connection speed -_- and eventually your whole computer system 0o0

but more dangerous if your OS (operating system) relaxes security on your computer, thinking the stranger’s computer is trustable because it resides in the same /local/ network, which is in a sense TRUE for tenants dwelling in the same building . this used to pose less of a problem in the early days, as this truely “innovative” company ipTime just over the Millennium in 2004, when their first wireless model could barely cover a two-bedroom apartment . but now some stronger models catch faint signals across the street, from a fifth-floor connection ! ofcourse this is through open distance, for signals do NOT pass metal-framed concrete – which is the basic structure of South Korean buildings after the KangNam real-estate boom over 1980 . before, it used to be dark-red bricks – remindful of a harsh time recovering from a gruesome war amidst military dictatorships .


[ iNDEX ]
A. Common Router Basics (LiNK)
B. Access Setup Panel (LiNK)
C. ID and Password (LiNK)
D. 3 Types of Basic Protection (LiNK)
E. ipTime LINKS



*constantly-updated super-wide chart link of ALL ipTime router models, yes a wet dream-Page for Mr.B 😉

13.5.3 How to set advanced ipTime Security measures ≫ LINK
13.7.31 How to set ipTime’s NAS (network-attached storage) ipDisk ≫ LINK
13.12.11 How to reset ipTime router back to default factory setting ≫ LINK
13.12.16 Visit to ipTime Support Center for Repair in BunDang ≫ LINK

14.1.1 How to upgrade ipTime FirmWare ≫ LINK


always wired, wireless on-the-go and wire-full is my epidome of Utopia
– Korea Tech BLog, end of June 2012 –



( January 25th 2013 Update, a Year there-after ) in the midst of frantic credit card payments I return to the joy of wireless router set-up .. just because it is mucho more dubious and often curiously incomprehensive (more so on earlier models post-Millennium) than more-mechanically visual computer assembly .


  1. this whole page takes for granted that your network drivers ARE working harmoniously with your hardware – especially your main-board or mother-board AND OS operating system as the version of Windows . so if in doubt : check this first before you spend endless nights pondering .. more-so if you have NOT (or do not know how to) cared for your computer system for at least TWO years : re-installing your OS AND reverting the router to factory setting, might make all work smoothly .
  2. aside from FULL automatic, this guide explains the first step into MANUAL set-up, for security’s sake . so if you cannot understand /anything/ a good quarter into reading this Post : stop,
    and call your iSP (internet service provider) and communicate in English even though you believe you speak a good Korean, for all computerics are borne in the American lingo – nomatter how Congo-ish the pronounciation . there was a time when providers tried to bill additional for routers, because it WILL splice their band-width, but not after competition galore . believe-me : each technician will prefer you connect and use their lines well, instead of moving on to their competition in frustration, for there is no house-hold NOR business in South Korea who do NOT use the internet . even the traditional pop-corn guy out in the mountains have set up an On-Line mall and is doing well 😉
  3. interesting to note among the many who have inquired via comment OR eMail : who ask without reading every paragraph of this Post, and more-so whose question already contain their very answer . I would answer more but perhaps not soon, to those which is either the most basic OR the most difficult – curiously tingling my brains .. but more-over would eventually edit this post to adhere to additional subscribers’ problems as a whole, than answer each question individually .
  4. if you have done ALL listed here and still cannot connect : unplug and Power OFF, then watch the full ten episodes of the 2002 TV mini-series ‘Taken’ from Steven Spielberg, after which you might have other in-sights . No, I am not kidding for there are unknown powers ever-lurking, including those Gremlins that haunted WWii pilots over Germany //

if all attempts fail, even though you have read through this, the Advanced Security Page AND all comments here-after : there really is no reason left for you to use ipTime router, for their monopoly in South Korea is in essence due to saturation of differing (mostly in the number of antennas) AND incredibly prompt and loyal product support, or even the second runner-up in AnyGate . alternate manufacturers and models are listed on Wireless Router Page on top menu .



( June 14 2013 Update, a Year & 1/2 after) as a NEW World is on the horizon including iOS 7, iPhone 6 and iPad Mini 2 with the next generation of game machines in Fall : just to let you know I am constantly editing this content as more (?) people seem to have trouble connecting .

this is happening as new contenders (OEM from China and classic prime brand labels from neighboring Japan as well as the States) are HALO-dropping new models, currently landing on the Peninsula at Andromeda prices . meaning only those with lush pockets and manic curiosity, are out to snatch them . but again, this may be the latter installment of “Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back”, after ipTime has monopolized the wireless/router market for now well over FOUR years !


( December 11th 2013) captured photos above have since been changed to English menu, as it is finally available although ONLY on their latest firmware AND in their most expensive model . menu locations are the same for you to compare with your Korean firmware on other ipTime models . specifics on my Post of December 3rd 2013 .

( January 1st 2014 ) Comments on this Page will be closed as most situations have been solved by extending related ipTime related Pages AND answering all valid questions .

( September 18th 2014 ) ipTime has slightly changed their firmware menu from this year . not much, but a few buttons have changed locations but within the same page . for those who have recently bought new, or upgraded firmware : you will have to do the guess-work until I capture and re-arrange again . good, as it is time for a rehaul .