Xiaomi Mijia 360 Degrees Smart WebCam MANUAL

several similar models are sold World-Wide as in South Korea while here we are specifically dealing with Xiaomi Mijia 360 Degrees Panorama Smart Home WebCam introduced in November 2016 . it really is confusing as even local sellers have-or-not 360, Panorama and Smart in their product titles . and as with all Xiaomi products which don’t have official sales branch in this country but import agents who care for their own translated manuals, localized Korean device menus and warranty, you have a choice to order abroad at about W30,000 or with domestic warranty at W70,000 . the difference on the half-priced foreign order vs. Korean-support is :

  1. No warranty within Korea vs. local warranty
  2. operation manual in Chinese vs. fully-Korean
  3. “connected” voice notice in Chinese vs. Korean
  4. Chinese server connection(which don’t seem to work good abroad) vs. international server(said to work all-right in South Korea)



  • approximately 160mm-long 5-pin USB cord compatible with Android smart-phones manufactured until 2017, is included which connects to a  small port on the rear-bottom of the device – this supplies power .
  • has a MicroSD memory slot just below the front-lens (to access it: simply roll the lens up-ward manually), which according to its Manual accepts up-to 32GB capacity, but 64GB SanDisk Extreme Pro in Red-and-Black works fine .
  • wirelessly connects to your Android smart-phone or iPhone via 2.4GHz Wi-Fi (so you HAVE to set you phone to connect Wi-Fi in 2.4GHz instead of 5GHz)
  • has NO ON/OFF switch and connects as soon as you connect USB-power cord, so you can only put the device into Sleep-Mode in Settings .
  • among the most useful settings are :
    – movement-recognition sensitivity
    – option of normal or wide-angle lens(which differs slightly only)
    – turn a small blue LED light On-or-Off right above the lens .
  • you have three ways of viewing through the lens :
    – live on-the-fly through your smart-phone
    – record onto your smart-phone(does automatically if there is NO MicroSD card inserted in the device)
    – record into MicroSD memory(automatic if it is inserted)

all technical specifications in numbers aside : Recording Result is that of older folder-phones before the influx of iPhone, and records color during day-light or bright electric lighting, but black-and-white under dim-conditions or candle-light .



Xiaomi has a couple of different models depending upon its sales-point, where this is specifically from actual use of Mijia Web CAM 360 Degrees Panorama Model MJSXJ01CM manufactured in 2018, but should work with any other BlueTooth / Wi-Fi operated CAMS .


  1. for those who are confused of its remote operations: you control everything via your Android SmartPhone or Apple iPhone Mi Phone App.,
  2. which means you can control your CAM from anywhere where your phone has access to Wi-Fi, even at another home, office or city .
  3. if you have used this on other Wi-Fi location you have to press RESET button on the CAM for 3 seconds as there is no way to edit and change Wi-Fi connection
  4. if you just installed Mi Phone App.for the first time, the NEXT button might let you to App.Setting on your phone and this is because you have to grant the App.to access your LOCATION,
  5. after-which your phone will recognize the CAM and show a bar-code on your screen, for you to show it to your CAM as close as 15cm right-in front of its lens


  • all Camera Setting is done through the 3-dots at Top-Right corner of your video screen, where the only exception is the Folder on Bottom-Right: used to review and even download or delete recordings . there may be a culprit where even if you delete video files manually from your memory-card on your computer, the record (NOT the file) still remains on the CAM so have to delete by each hour from your phone App.
  • by default the CAM will record when it senses motion (sensitivity can be adjusted within) but can set to record continuously by accessing 3 Dots >Memory : 24 Hours Automatic Recording to ON .
  • another useful feature is Save Battery whose top button turns the CAM ON-and-OFF (careful as Save : ON means CAM : OFF and vice-versa) and just below that you can set Timers for individual hours to turn the SAVE feature ON (Turn-OFF) and OFF (Turn-ON).


– Korea Tech BLog –

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