Kashimura Tama Japan Multi Electric Plug USB Slots
May 15th, 2016 09:09 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
One aspect of traveling Post-Millennium is that you have to carry a range of electric connectors, to charge all your mobile apparatus . and this becomes quite bulky is you live and work in a country using 220/240V.electric current, whose ...Read More
Best Selfie Pole
March 18th, 2016 04:04 AM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
OR How to Choose a Selfie Pod Rod Stick for Your SmartPhone 101
At major tourist sites you see people with such rods, and more at amusement parks, plus the with the influx of photo-sharing apps like instagram : You are ...Read More
Spigen Apple Watch Film Cover Case
June 14th, 2015 02:18 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
Spigen like that of affordable Chinese and Korean camera lens filter-manufacturers, has a mis-leading exotic European aura in fact is a South Korean start-up formed merely six years ago making mostly smart-phone and tablet covers, casings and some LCD protective ...Read More
Xiaomi 10400 5200 mAh External Battery
November 7th, 2014 09:00 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
at the South-East tip of vast China, just before you cross-over to Taiwan where the royals fled to, and now built their own technical paradise : there is an (sort-of) island connected to its main-land by a narrow land, called ...Read More
Pontree Migh-T Healing Shield LCD Screen Protection Film
May 14th, 2014 12:00 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
the need to show yourself as clean to others, as well as the importance of mobile devices in the i.T. Age : Koreans are obsessed with protecing the most fragile of electronic parts - the LCD screen . incredible it ...Read More
iPhone 5 5S Cases Enhance Simulate Gold
October 30th, 2013 06:37 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
as you will notice from cleansed automobiles (except taxis, buses and trucks which is to the contrary) Koreans' obsession device cleanliness, not so much for hygiene standards but as it affects your stature on how people around you look at ...Read More
Apple iPhone 5C 5S Look-Alike Wanna-Be Bumper Case CrossLine NewGenTech
September 22nd, 2013 03:06 AM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
as another Apple product is introduced States-side, then released onto some of the leading metropolis around the Globe, South Korea again remains the latter countries yet to be announced to lag behind, as preceding iPhone 5 was a whopping THREE ...Read More
Platinum Gold iPhone 5S
August 21st, 2013 05:15 AM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
long~ before the luxurious TV-series Magic City, there was 007 James Bond who had /his/ new-found love plated in gold
and while London-based GoldGenie has been offtering gold-plated iPhones and iPads at whopping over $3000
(Platinum, Edition and Rose models ...Read More
iPhone 5 Gold Swarovski Home Button Sticker
March 5th, 2013 06:54 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
Korea's obsessive ritual to protect mobile devices dates from early digital cameras, when bad or dead pixels were common place . and scratches or dents on used device will lower your iPhone a good W50,000 when selling to a user ...Read More
iPhone LCD Screen Protector Cover QVic Korea GlassPop HS Chemical Hypola Aps PonTree Healing Shield
February 25th, 2013 12:00 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
earlier plastic protector film sheets were from Korea 3M and AGF PureMate (defunct 15.12), mostly to cover laptops or notebooks and digital camera LCD viewing screens . there-after SpiGen SGP joined in popularity with thick wrap-around sheets to cover all sides of earlier bar-type and sliding cell-phones ...Read More
Fake Lightning USB Cable Copy
January 31st, 2013 08:11 AM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
slim to carry around for extra battery pack, and reversible at Apple device end . the design is a joy and connects well . let's see the lowest discount prices WITH next-day shipping throughout South Korea, with Southern JeJu island ...Read More
Power Support iPhone 5 Privacy Film Front LCD Screen Protector Review
December 17th, 2012 06:41 PM | by koreatech | mobile accessory.
as a /very/ sensitive persona concerning LCD screens, I have tried the World's utmost brands, to land steady at Power Support, a small Japanese company dedicated to "making things" that soared the country onto consumer technology over 1980's. I am ...Read More