Best motion picture to watch in reference for the current Wuhan Corona Epidemic under the genre : Science Fiction > Pandemic movies (in the order of those with an entertaining mix of reality and action – because it is a movie, but not too-much drama.. as we do need Hope in time of Worldly despair)
- OutBreak released 1995
- Andromeda Strain released 2008
- Andromeda Strain released 1971
Yes the 1971 Andromeda Strain is the master-piece and the first of its kind (much alike THE classic Science Fiction movie of ALL Science Fiction movies : 2001 Space Odyssey released 1968 which I watched in-awe with my mouth really open the first time around) but it proceeds too slow movie-wise, and centers-in on drama and over-all a “quiet” movie to the tune of X-Files TV-series which began airing two-decades later in 1993 . so, is really not entertaining at-all .
but we virtual humans always connected to the .Net living in the visual age, now accustomed to crystal-sharp images and ultra-modern facilities produced through cutting-edge filming technology both in video, audio and graphic add-ons . so movies made later are much-more appealing to us :
2008 Andromeda Strain ups the ante, with younger actors, story easier to understand, all proceeding in exciting speed with enough thrill . and 1995 OutBreak is the winner still, with top-notch Hollywood Stars and story-line while much alike other movies mentioned .
this Post is for your reference especially for the laymen to learn about BioHazard terms, lingo, your options and its consequences – Doctor Spock of Star Trek fame would hymn “Fascinating !” as all containing real-life events on the real-news today : towns and cities in containment, intriguing computer processing, questionable government controversies, although Thank-God ! short of actual annihilation (of humans, though animals are mercilessly slaughtered by the thousands when other virus hit – to protect humans ofcourse).
– Korea Tech BLog
( June 17 Wednesday Epilogue, though it seems there won’t be one ) as this Covid-19 Pandemic spills-over well onto its fourth Month, further fuelled-up by seemingly-racial violence States-side : this Corona Virus may be with us to stay, gradually in lesser form where we will need a more extensiF Jedi-list of apocalyptic movies to at least console our-selves it is still al-right..