ofcourse there were Mini-Skirt phones and a whole series of all-most smart cutsie full-screen phones manufactured by South Korean conglomerate SamSung Electronics under its AnyCall brand name, but the real smart-phones began with Bill Gates’ aspiring iPhone when all the World exclaimed “Wha ~!” as he gestured his first swipe across his beloved device . thus the age of iPhone began and endless aspiring dot.com’s started-up from their garage in the spirit of Apple wanna-be’s and then some only to lure investment from prospectors – like the Gold Rush .
and as the simplest application to start-off on a smart-phone : notebook apps started flowing out where you had so many choices . and the criteria was how accessible it was from anywhere in the Whole Wide World (www) and under as many platforms as possible . I chose SpringPad among many, early-on for its fresh-yellow cuteness and simplicity akin to one of the older independent notebook application offered for Microsoft Windows 😉
but stopped using recently when local Korean portals started offering ones that worked, and much much faster as there servers were here . and no wonder : another of our darling apps this time in SpringPad is closing from June 25th 2014 – thus I proclaim this The End of Apple Apps and The Last NotePad, ditto Professor Francis Fukuyama – with which I hint iPhone is losing its foot-hold in this Peninsula : big-time . ofcourse SpringPad was offered on Android as well but here I am implying home-bred portable hardware AND software is dominating local market in the year 2525 Oh I mean : when iPhone is trying to get larger in size almost like that of rival SamSung Galaxy but NOT so much as another LG Optimus G Series .