Nikon D5500 Preview

squeezing-in with smart-phones to leave little room for compact cameras, which is in route to the realm of extinct dinosaurs : Nikon D5500 soon to be released February 5 2015, in neighboring Japan for Y80,000 (deducting accumulation points) at larger discount outlets – exterior measuring approximately 124×97×70cm and weighing 420 grams without batteries, with 3.2 inch diagonal LCD screen .
Nikon D5500 product pic_06 Nikon D5500 product pic_01 Nikon D5500 product pic_21 LCD zoom 600 Nikon D5500 product pic_20 LCD slide 600 Nikon D5500 product pic_28 グラフィックデザイン 400 Nikon D5500 product pic_16 アイセンサー 400 Nikon D5500 product pic_08 Li-ionリチャージャブルバッテリー EN-EL14a 300
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