Olympus Stylus TG-3 Tough

while competing sleek and state-of-the-art Sony goes unpleasantly expensive but incredibly-crisp-for-a-compact in the age of smart-phones : Olympus’ new line of compact digital cameras goes out-doors .. “To Go Where Man Has Always Yearned To Go With Cameras, But Could Not Due To Damage Concerns” well .. Jesus, you know this line of camera is different (Sony catch-phrase) as you find a slip expaining how to wash your camera after using it on the beach and/or in the sea ?!

introduced in neighboring Japan May 13th in an incredible choice of either Under-Water, Out-Door, Mountain or Protect Sets 0o0
and Officially imported into South Korea from June 2014
Tough Olympus TG-3 sells for W430,000 at larger On-Line discount outlets
140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec09
  140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec11  140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec10 140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec12 140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec14 140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec30 STYLUS TG-3 Tough発売記念キャンペーン_img_02 140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec20 140630 HyunDaiHMall 올림푸스 아웃도어 방수 디카 터프 TG-3 spec05
16Million pixels 1/2.3″ (0.43″) CMOS  – lens brightness F2~4.9 – zoom 4.5~18mm equivalent to 25~100mm converted to 35mm film with 1cm close-up ! exterior dimensions 11.1×6.6×3.12cm and weighs 247g.

perfect for a time when the whole nation is going camping ~ Korea Tech BLog first of July 2014



( End-of-July Update ) resolution is mooshy after accustomed to Sony’s expensive (their frantic way of trying to survive the improving camera specifications on iPhones and SmartPhones) line-up of full-frame compact digital cameras ofcourse, but how long has it been I had with a digital camera – trying to pick, mix and match their impressive line of designated accessories, most pictured on the beginning of this Post 😉

not even its own extra batteries nor dedicated charger are available in South Korea as it has just been released : so had to spend a joyful hour in electronics goliath Yodobashi Umeda while on a short flight to neighboring Osaka, Japan yipee ~
and even in a crowded massive shopping building : there are clerks eager to aid you on your purchase – which I needed due to lack of information on their latest model just released in South Korea . in the case of Olympus a petite girl informed that in order to use :

  • Olympus PRF-D40.5 Pro 40.5mm Protection Filter : I will need to first put on
  • Olympus CLA-T01 Converter Adapter

then also its dedicated Soft Camera Case :

  • CSCH-90 BLU – which zips three sides around : would be quite tight-fitting !  and after actual trial on-the-spot on a couple of Olympus as well as independent cases, I decided to also get
  • CSCH-121 BLU – which is open on the top : intended to bring the camera under-water 0o0

and on latter use I found : the zippers on the former snug-tight around camera sides thus prone to scratches by its-self, but fortunate that the whole textile is elastic so will stretch, although only a bit of ease is needed .


( Mid-Summer’s Dream on August 20th ) and Ladies and Gentlemen :
Olympus Stylus TG-3 Tough as a subject of a form of Art ..

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