Sony DSC-RX100 ii iii iv Price

in the age where iPhones and Smart-Phones have killed the compact digital camera : Sony among a couple have turned to hike-up the specifications found in DSLR, which also soars its price tag above the clouds . but at least most of their accessories are inter-changeable ..
but Lord behold ! as preceding models which once were about the same price as a new iPhone, drops and further when another newer model is released 😉 thus lowest On-Line price on each brand-new product as of Monday July 13 2015 :

  1. Sony DSC-RX100 released 2012 W418,000
  2. Sony DSC-RX100 ii released 2013 W480,000
  3. Sony DSC-RX100 iii released 2014 W689,000
  4. Sony DSC-RX100 iv released June W961,000



– Korea Tech BLog –

2 thoughts on “Sony DSC-RX100 ii iii iv Price

  1. dear sir,
    i wold like to buy nikon D750 Dslr camera let you know the price of that.

    thanks and regards

    1. Good for You and on the most popular Nikon DSLR : Japanese model is W1,650,000 (must be sent to Japan for repair) and Official imports (1~2 year Warranty) W1,800,000 – difference between two types of imports introduced on Top Menu . prices are rock-bottom On-Line, so you should have to pay a bit more .

      models imported from February are fixed version, from light aberration where imports were halted for three Months prior to that because of this – refer to Nikon forums concerning this model-specific minor problem .

      Nikon Korea is in the midst of their step-up event, where they will give you their latest mediocre SB-500 Flash ! refer to their Official website for precise terms .
      *more-over this is NOT the place to inquire price NOR availability, so no more comments on this please .

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