or was it : Cry For Me Argentina ?
many flocked to restore from Beta 1 versions (make sure to back-up your current version because You WILL be back, as the Terminator) circling and now in tears, but divided into two camps in contrast :
- Joyous 0o0 from iTunes Radio which could be had when access through States-side account, as Korean account would NOT allow such free sampling of songs in FULL, for it was the hand-full of greedy conglomerate manufacturers and telecommunication companies’ money-making machine early-on before the influx of iPhones -_- like Melon which the protagonist of pure Evil .
- in agony >_< because Beta 1 (and in the past NOT even Official versions simply weren’t atuned for the Korean market) is unstable on the most dominating local messenger like creme-de-cacao Oh, I mean Kakao Talk .
- then ofcourse : battle ensues as usual, from anti-Apple posters seemingly from local SS-camp, who pit bare insults like “Why-the-heck-use-iPhone ????” as if paid to do so .
OK you can get all the hype from the zillion sites and blogs state-side, so here the Yeah’s and Neh’s on local Korean surroundings for the current Beta 1 :
it goes without mentioning ofcourse this is intended for developers, thus unstable but in ripe infancy, and much unprepared for Korean-specific apps yet
[ PRO’s ]
- over-all it is the very reason Koreans buy a sleek macbook : to charm at StarBucks and the many, many wanna-be’s
- overtly-flat in the age of full-3D HD, but prettier design and easier handling in a swipe either ways
- booting and initial wireless connection is faster
[ CON’s ]
- anything less than full-compatibility can wreck havoc on On-Line banking and shopping as well as reservation on transportation and movies, which Koreans are now so-accustomed to . and it is, so far on ShinHan Bank – but behold : some banks are updating quickly like Woori – and Korail railway reservation systems
- same goes for updates from telecommunication sites keeping vital information alive such as Olleh for KT and T-World for SKT – shuts down
- always-connected Koreans cannot live a daily life without its local chatting programs, and Kakao Talk bleeding all sorts of problems currently
- noticeably shorter battery life
- tad slower operation due to animation
so an average Apple fan would have used Beta 1 for a hour to a day at most //
( Korean ThanksGiving Day on September 19th Thursday 2013 ) Apple had released Gold Master Version, earlier on September 11th Wednesday – only to-be-compatible with newer iTunes 11.1 unavailable then – now identical to Official release available today, with a large part of bugs gone AND even compatible with local banking apps .