Apple Fans in South Korea cry over iOS 7

or was it : Cry For Me Argentina ? 

many flocked to restore from Beta 1 versions (make sure to back-up your current version because You WILL be back, as the Terminator) circling and now in tears, but divided into two camps in contrast :

  • Joyous 0o0 from iTunes Radio which could be had when access through States-side account, as Korean account would NOT allow such free sampling of songs in FULL, for it was the hand-full of greedy conglomerate manufacturers and telecommunication companies’ money-making machine early-on before the influx of iPhones -_- like Melon which the protagonist of pure Evil .
  • in agony >_< because Beta 1 (and in the past NOT even Official versions simply weren’t atuned for the Korean market) is unstable on the most dominating local messenger like creme-de-cacao Oh, I mean Kakao Talk .
  • then ofcourse : battle ensues as usual, from anti-Apple posters seemingly from local SS-camp, who pit bare insults like “Why-the-heck-use-iPhone ????” as if paid to do so .


OK you can get all the hype from the zillion sites and blogs state-side, so here the Yeah’s and Neh’s on local Korean surroundings for the current Beta 1 :
it goes without mentioning ofcourse this is intended for developers, thus unstable but in ripe infancy, and much unprepared for Korean-specific apps yet

[ PRO’s ]

  1. over-all it is the very reason Koreans buy a sleek macbook : to charm at StarBucks and the many, many wanna-be’s
  2. overtly-flat in the age of full-3D HD, but prettier design and easier handling in a swipe either ways
  3. booting and initial wireless connection is faster

[ CON’s ]

  1. anything less than full-compatibility can wreck havoc on On-Line banking and shopping as well as reservation on transportation and movies, which Koreans are now so-accustomed to . and it is, so far on ShinHan Bank – but behold : some banks are updating quickly like Woori – and Korail railway reservation systems
  2. same goes for updates from telecommunication sites keeping vital information alive such as Olleh for KT and T-World for SKT – shuts down
  3. always-connected Koreans cannot live a daily life without its local chatting programs, and Kakao Talk bleeding all sorts of problems currently
  4. noticeably shorter battery life
  5. tad slower operation due to animation


so an average Apple fan would have used Beta 1 for a hour to a day at most //

( Korean ThanksGiving Day on September 19th Thursday 2013 ) Apple had released Gold Master Version, earlier on September 11th Wednesday – only to-be-compatible with newer iTunes  11.1 unavailable then – now identical to Official release available today, with a large part of bugs gone AND even compatible with local banking apps .

Posted in app

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