’tis was around the turn of the Millennium, CRT cathode ray tubes gave way to LCD screens as computer monitors throughout South Korea . and on the one most joyous environment of apartment dwelling : this further evolved into rear-projection and LED TV’s . and now in an incredible turn of technological development the screen curved – all in its again unbelieveable thin-ness intact .
well the only culprit was the price : well over double their straight brothren . while in a depressed consumer market where no one is buying anything – um except mercedes and BMW’s along with camping trailers – worsened with a nation-wide scandal that ignited with the sinking of a passenger ferry taking live of over 200 high school students which dominoed every related government department and still its effect spreading : SamSung introduced their affordable curved-screen TV today . offering 10% advanced reservation discount until the 27th on 48″ (W2,000,000) and 55″ (W3,000,000) models .
dear gentlemen good morning I would like to import an 80-inch TV, for Lima peru, I remain attentive to your prompt response.