Unix Hair Dryer UN-1858

in search of the relately-low noise hair dryer . in the case of vacuum cleaners it was easy as you had to choose Electrolux from their line of rather-quiet ones they have been long-advertising . and you can try them out at the nearest super-mart like eMart and HomePlus who have more imports than Lotte Mart . but harder in case of hair dryers for one : there are many more makers and models . more-over because a constantly rotating device caring for much heat can go wrong : one that has warranty . the connoisseur chose imports like consumer Panasonic and even prestigeous Swiss makers, but now a couple of Korean companies make dependable models as hair salons proliferate around the Peninsula .
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  1. First product photo above W1800 UN-1875, W1850 UN-A1009 would be the strongest yet portable,
  2. Second : W1800 UN-2881, W1400 UN-1858 the most powerful of the relatively not noisy with sirocco-type fan,
  3. Third : W1650 UN-A1870, W1650 UN-B1575 are the strongest
    but if you’re looking for this category : JMW for professionals may suit you better //

still in all honesty : I have found Japanese and Korean makers are not as sturdy as (not American, as they are mostly Made-in-China) European counter-parts, for have taken both out for repair when my father kept it On for over 10 minutes at a time . here Panasonic has (contracted) support centres on either side of the Capital of SEOUL : West in YongSan Electronics District and East in TechnoMart Building, where-as UNiX head-quarters is right at the entrance to YongSan Police Station, where you can send-in to this address also, to receive it back in the same Week (One-Year Warranty).


[ March 2020 Update ] in the midst of Corona Pandemic :

have a couple of hair dryers at-hand, with separate heat and fan switches as you want to put Hottest yet slow-blow – to kill virus yet not to blow particles around – useful when you receive bring-in packages and receive parcels when you are staying in-doors, keeping shopping-out to a minimu .

– Korea Tech BLog –

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