BATMAN Dark Knight Rises iMAX 2D CGV WangSimni YongSan YeongDeungPo Seoul Busan

as Typhoon Khanun weakens while crossing Central Korea, a Dark Knight Rises onto the most technically thus visually-advanced super-movie sceens across the Peninsula, this time with a lush kitten and three mighty vehicles wumph

Official Release July 19th Thursday, four movie version will be showing in CGV Theatres throughout South Korea .

  • Normal
  • Digital
  • iMAX 2D (just meaning it is NOT 3D)
  • Surround Sound Digital


if you can, the ultimate of the above choice would be iMAX 2D, and knowing so CGV iMAX Theatres with largest screens are virtually all sold-out until mid-next Week -_- yes, even though showing starts early 7 a.m. and they’ve plugged-in a last-viewing at twilight 2:30 a.m. !!! meaning, you gotta have breakfast when you come out of the Theatre 0o0

so every-one is out to get a swash off the iMAX experience in a series of a movie known to punch your stomach with sound and action awe, for it hasn’t been like this for a while .. NOT even prior to Avatar . here in the order of largest screens playing ‘The Dark Knight Rises’:

  1. WangSimNi at Seoul-East is the first one to get fully booked – but only on iMAX masterpieces like this, for although an old train station AND subway hub, AND a post-Modern shopping complex built on-top : these are minor lines and you could rarely get a taxi cab when a block-buster movie ends -_-
  2. other-wise YongSan at Seoul-West is the most popular, as it is formed with a cluster of mammoth shopping outlets and most accessible with many modes of traffic including an always-ample line of taxi cabs,
  3. then quite-far even by Metropolitan region-standards : SangAm at the nostalgically-exiting World Cup Stadium on the Western outskirts of Seoul, is rarely sold-out, except for this occasion . meaning, you can get a few corner seats on 7 a.m. Matinee or 2 a.m. Night-Owl show-times -_-

( WangSimNi screen is a good 1/4 larger than YongSan, while screen-size between YongSan and SangAm is miniscule )

the next-best-but-quite-lame alternative would be Surround Sound – which has ample seats left even on opening day – but from my experience on The Avengers : not worth it for sound effect is confusingly subtle in Globally action-packed scenes, so go for the larger iMAX screen which gives more cognitive impact .



[ iMAX 2D ] at CGV Theatres in South Korea, from West and clock-wise :
expect acceptable seats with modest viewing gone, when less than 1/3 of total seats are available – which is so for the next 10 days at CGV theatres with larger iMAX screens



[ Surround Sound Digital ] only offered in TWO locations and in the Capital of Seoul :


[ Exterior Links ] about a few mammoth multi-shopping complex experience where the largest iMAX screen theatres are located in the Korean Peninsula ! again from West going clock-wise



[ FAQ ] Korea Tech BLog’s very-own tips for viewing ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ in South Korea :

[Q] I still don’t get it : what is the difference between this Normal, Digital, iMAX 2D and Surround Sound Digital ?

    • Normal is shown on film reels at older theatres in the most remote regions,
    • while Digitized on newer theatres,
    • and iMAX 2D IS the iMAX Experience, just that most enthusiasts are hyped-up about the over-rated 3D,
    • then Surround-Sound Digital is the same as Digital, but with enhanced multi-dimension audio effects coordinated at the playing theatre,

[Q] is there any way I can get a seat this Week at any larger iMAX theatre ?

    • it is now a nuissance to keep calling and re-loading your web-page, so check every-other minute on your CGV Apps installed on your iPhone, for a portion of early reservists are constantly changing seats . the movie-buff psyche goes that you want a better seat, so you will find a so-so seat now-and-then, whose original owner opted-out for a prime-seat 😉
    • if you have to use a web-browser use CGV’s mobile site than their Official website requiring you to install another cumbersome SilverLight duh
    • and remember I-told-you-so on my earlier iMAX Experience linked on this Post : rear-half of corner seats (still within center block) are better than central front seats ~


[ related Link ]

12.7.19 SPOILER The Dark Knight Rises iMAX 2D Movie Review YongSan CGV Theatre iPark Mall KTX Bullet Train Station


and remember : to live-up to the Dark Knight and CatWoman’s latest Sci-Fi gadget, fore-go on the paper ticket thing and reserve via iPhone Apps to carry it all through the theatre entrance 😉

– Korea Tech BLog, mid July 2012 –

4 thoughts on “BATMAN Dark Knight Rises iMAX 2D CGV WangSimni YongSan YeongDeungPo Seoul Busan

  1. Anyone know if it will be english sound with korean subtitles? I am an american who just moved here and I would hate to miss the imax experience.

    1. Oh No we don’t want Batman mumbling in any other language, and from the earliest movie import South Korea has been showing with subtitles – even on Cable TV and Satellite also . it is only on regular land-line TV Channels foreign language is dubbed .

      1. Thanks for the quick response, I’m loving your blog btw. I”ve been reading up on your imax size comparisons and I’ve been debating what theater to head to this weekend, do you happen to know how big suwon’s theater size is? I’d be happy if it were at least in the middle of the rankings.

        1. I envy your noble name reminiscent of an East European winery heir
          for I have a much common one, hence my mask 😉

          iMAX screen size mentioned only compares applicable theatres for those movies
          and actually : Suwon (16x9m) is on the larger spectrum, a tad short of YongSan (18x10m)
          but might be an ideal excuse to bring your lush date up to WangSimNi (22x13m)
          which is roughly 1/4-square larger, again surrounded by ample shopping & eateries
          – exactly why mammoth iMAX theatres are all located over old Train stations –

          Hope you can get a good seat for a Rising Dark-Knight WeekEnd

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