just when you were pondering how to protect your now-sacred iPad on the hazzardous trek this Summer, because all plans, local info and maps are stored within .. Korea Tech BLog firmly presents
al-most rock-hard tablet casings from G-Form dispersing impact throughout ready-cracks .
to double-protect in body-conscious ergonomic bags, sacks and back-packs from F3 Sport China .
all more-or-less an investive W100,000 through Korean importers
– Korea Tech BLog for Summer Trek 2012 –
These are pretty cool, but I don’t understand why you wouldn’t go for something with a little more portability like this:
They have similar if not better protection, and are designed to be portable and sleek unlike these which seem to be very boxy and spacy for my taste. I can see why some people are probably really excited about these, but I will stick to the traditional leather cases I enjoy from the brands I like.