unlike Apple iPhones, SamSung Electronics Galaxy is relatively easier to get (LG smart-phones much more while Chinese phones aren’t popular in South Korea) on release […]
Tag: SamSung
What I Want for Christmas 2012 Wish List Santa Please
barely introduced a Month ago, cellular model to be added coming Spring,
The Great SamSung Electronics Galaxy S3 LTE SALE
this is the first Post on this BLog with the G-word in title, and rightfully so for incredible news on consumer technology front spread without […]
Best NoteBook LapTop Among SamSung Sens MSi HanSung Sparq Lenovo ThinkPad Hasee Apple MacBook Acer for Summer 2012
in a time when the iPad is used as the ground floor coffee shop menu at the most central-and-now-refurbished Plaza Hotel smack in the middle […]
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 IE9 internet Explorer 9 compatibility with Korean On-Line internet Banking
as a concentrated dwelling culture in a small Peninsula where optic cables are rather easily linked South Korea boast the fastest domestic internet connection on Planet Earth and […]
HDD Hard Disk Drive Warranty Product Support Repair in South Korea
while considering which model to buy of all the peripherals in a computer much consideration goes into deciding HDD Hard Disk Drives for they contain the […]
Korean What-Ever Pads Tabs Tablets Ready to Roll Out This Fall Autumn
most major computer AND electronics manufacturers around the World including IT Power South Korea ready to introduce their own version of iPad begun by Apple .
Powerful NoteBooks LapTops and NetBooks in South Korea for Summer 2010
Powerfull notebooks laptops and NetBooks available in South Korea in Summer 2010 running the latest Core i5 processors with fast graphic cards for serious video or graphic work, multimedia enjoyment AND hardcore gaming .
Which HDD Hard Disk Drives to choose for Christmas Winter 2009 2010
in an age where living style requires large storage space as well as fast performance here are several options to install HDD in your computer system .
Korean Humidifiers Christmas Winter 2009 2010
Korean humidifiers pour enough steam onto the Land of the Morning Calm notably from Novita, SamSung, Hanil and OhSung .
4 Affordable NetBook NoteBook LapTops Light yet PowerFul Enough for Christmas 2009 in Korea
for Christmas 2009 amidst hard times of lagging recession expecially in South Korea here are 4 NetBook / NoteBook / LapTops with sufficient power for work, yet light enough to tote along between home AND work then even on the plane but most of all : very affordable 😉