57 minutes into Guardians of the Galaxy film, the Collector explains “before creation itself, there were six singularities . then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots . infinity Stones . these stones it seems : can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength . observe, these carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field . once for a moment, a group was able to share the energy amongst themselves, but even they were quickly destroyed by it .”
( supplement : 12 minutes into the latest Avengers infinity War, Wong explains again “at the dawn of the Universe, there was nothing . Big Bang set six elemental crystals hurdling across the vrigin Universe . these infinity Stones, each control an essential aspect of existence .” and Dr.Strange joins-in “Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind and Time .”)
so as hard it would be to collect all Stones, one with enormous power can even hold these .
[ 6 (actually 7 but which don’t show-up in infinity movie) infinity Stones ]
- BLUE Space Stone (Tesseract) from Captain America The First Avenger and Thor Ragnarok in the hands of Loki, used to create powerful weapons, can open portals across the Universe
- Yellow Mind Stone powered Loki’s staff in The Avengers creating Vision and ended up on his forehead in Ultron, can hypnotize victims
- Purple Power Stone (Orb) from Guardians of the Galaxy placed with interGalactic police agency Nova Corps, enhances user’s strength, super-charges rest of the Stones and can waste entire planets
- Green Time Stone (kept in Eye of Agamotto amulet) from Doctor Strange protected at Kamar-Taj, can reverse Time and create time-loops
- RED Reality Stone in the form of liquid (Aether) from Thor the Dark World and given to The Collector – who is collecting other Stones also, can alter nature of Reality
- Orange SOUL Stone yet to be seen, can control all living souls and even resurrect the dead
– and now introducing Korea Tech BLog’s very-own infinity Stones