Best Price Value USED SmartPhone 2015 2016

Although considerable discount can be had if you subscribe to Monthly plans offered by telecommunications carriers, their terms has increased from a year during the early years of cell phones to TWO as the bulk of the nation except elders have gotten used to smartphones . although phones manufactured by Korean conglomerates are designated to which carrier you can use, recent models can be used in almost any carrier when you insert their SiM card, where the few exception would be designated services such as two-number and payment apps .

While iPhones retain resale price to that of 75% after a semester of original release, Androids drop to almost a half ! so depending upon your budget and likes, here are a couple of choices in getting a used phone – quite popular that you won’t have trouble reselling it after another semester or a year or two without much price loss 😉

  • Galaxy S7 (released March 2016 now W540,000)
  • Galaxy Note 5 (released August 2015 now W430,000)
  • Galaxy S6 (released  March 2015 now W250,000)
  • Galaxy S5 LTE-A (released 2014 now W175,000)
  • Galaxy S4 LTE-A (released 2013 now W125,000)

*prices don’t differ much in the resale market between 16, 32, 64 and 128GB models, so it is hard to find higher capacity – above prices are of like-new devices with warranty left on models not past two years of original release .

Below : SamSung Galaxy S5 on the Left and S6 at Right
20150830_150014s5n6arir1067x800– Korea Tech BLog –

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