USED Galaxy Note5 S7 Pink Blossom Price

it is the usual story : computer stores in Korea town in L.A. sells MacBooks with Windows installed, for optional use . and while in South Korea : you are much more poised for serious business with an Android . No-contest the latest the thinnest MacBook would make you stand-out at the many coffee shops, and you will be the trendiest kid on the high-rise apartment block with a color-luring iPhone in-hand . but from chatting to banking : Android would make your life much more easier and competent around the Peninsula .

and unless you are the richer kid on that Utopian block too : there is a monetary side to this as well . it is fine to buy a new iPhone on release-date, if you can get it but buying a Galaxy or LG G Series for full-price will make you a fool, because an Android although priced almost in par with iPhones, simply ain’t worth that much – I’d say half would be a fair value .

There is no way around it . You have to make a choice, ofcourse unless your lucky job or hobby enables you to toddle a couple of cell phones and/or smart-phones (to have more than a single phone number).

and God behold : and either of the two Korean manufacturers’ smart-phone drop almost 40% after a Semester its Official release, while iPhones barely 20% . this six-Month is a golden time to purchase a new Android, for you can get a like-new one from a previous user who cannot adapt, and even some telecommunication branches will have some unopened ones on sale at surprisingly similar price of clean, used phones ! better-yet you are likely to find phones with ample warranty time intact – that is, until about a full year after release, after which it would be hard to find apparatus with an Warranty left .

Let me clarify early-on : I mean either SamSung Galaxy or LG G Series when I mention Android on recent Posts, say .. after 2010 for no Koreans wants other imports due to notorious Support AND Warranty – explained many-times over on previous Post and dedicated Pages //
July 22 Friday 2016 : SamSung Electronics Galaxy S7 added Pink Blossom to its range of White Pearl, Silver Titanium, Pink Gold, Gold Platinum and Black Onyx making a total range of six colors available . it has been released for all three major cellular carriers in South Korea in SKT, KT and LGT but only 32GB capacity . while the Official retail price for an unlocked SiM-Free device is over W900,000 they are rarely available on the used market for W700,000 (unopened) and W600,000 clean shortly used apparatus .

– Korea Tech BLog –

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