With a bulk of the whole of South Korea itself reflected On-Line, good and bad reactions to every news and products galore on Korean CyberSpace . nasty opinions continue especially on foreign makers like Sony and Apple, as the country in essence is naturally-born hermit . but over-all SamSung’s Galaxy Note line has been accepted as the best smart-phone so-far . until the latest one caught fire a few days after its release and this Post will document what is happening on the sad situation throughout the Peninsula .
[ Model Specific ]
- utilizes the new USB Type-C connector,
- is supposed to be water-resistant, operable in-water although perhaps not deep under-water .
- security-wise thumb-print recognition was first applied onto Galaxy S5 in 2014, mostly compatible with SamSung Pay and now iris scan is introduced with this Note 7.
- its built-in battery capacity increased from 500mAh from preceding Note 5, making it 3500 mAh. presumably made in China .
- a brand-new unlocked device cost around W1,000,000 similar to a new iPhone (but ofcourse a Galaxy is not worth the same as an iPhone, as its resale price depicts Months after release) at the time of its first release .
[ Chronological Order ]
- SamSung Electronics’ Original Galaxy Note began selling on 2011, and this latest sixth (skipping number five) of its series : Note 7 was first announced August 2nd Tuesday 2016 Korea Time, and introduced to begin selling three Weeks later on August 19 Friday .
- 2016.8.24 First account of Note 7 exploding was posted on Ppomppu – a relatively new On-Line forum with huge array of participating discount stores, which has been the place to exchange latest cell phone subscription discount information (which changes by-the-day). as expected questions arose if an independent battery charger has been used, which was the case .
– it should be important to note that “explosion” mentioned here do not necessarily imply a big “Bang !” but may also refer to simple fire erupting from a charging apparatus . - Two more explosions were reported, while a fourth Posted abroad on YouTube while using genuine SamSung charger .
- in all there has been seven accounts of Note 7 exploding up to yesterday on the First of September . but the latest eight just appeared early this morning while not even charging .
[ Legal issues and Social Trend ] The Republic of Korea Circa 2016
- Under South Korean Law a consumer can retract cellular subscription plan with 14 Days of commencement, and in case of discount installments : 7 Days .
- After that manufacturers’ Warranty (on both SamSung and LG) come into effect from the time of the first call, for a year there-after .
- South Korea developed swiftly from the ashes of The Korean War, as big business forming conglomerates worked close with ensuing dictatorial government . However as living standards rose a good Decade Post-Millennium : consumers albeit citizens’ rights are challenging existing powers of huge corporations . recent such events are Korean Airlines peanut affair and Ewha University students’ strike . Corporations are have learnt from this case-study and are much likely to act swiftly when nation-wide, and further international problems arise .
[ Current Proceedings ] as of Sun-rise September 2nd 2016
- Yesterday KATS Korean Agency for Technology Standards has requested SamSung Electronics to submit product details of Note 7, after which they have 48 hours to do so or pay relatively negligible fine .
- SamSung has halted sales of Galaxy Note 7 yesterday September 1st locally in Korea and other countries are following suit .
- SamSung stated late Yesterday September 1st Thursday, they will announce by tomorrow on their Official stance, but late-night news-leaks hint they may have verified problems in the battery, and will recall it for repair . this is out-raging current users who doubt water-proofness of this model will remain after opening it up for repair .
- While many media are advising users how to deal with and prevent this situation occurring, like not charging battery to the fullest Korea Tech BLog recommend immediately moving your precious data and photos and turning it OFF, then return it to your vendor today .
[ Evening Update ]
At a press conference this afternoon at 5pm in SamSung HeadQuarters downtown SEOUL : President of WireLess Department estimated 24 phones out of a million may be defective . Apologized then announced ReCall of ALL Galaxy Note 7 nomatter the date of purchase, for exchange to a new one .
This certainly will be a mass-recall, considering about 1,100,000 units still at retailers, while 1,400,000 has been sold until now according to media consensus . but wise and strategic, to avoid further problems and shame if merely repaired . important to note current consumer affairs that has impacted national corporations, as noted above on Legal and Trend paragraphs .