[ QUESTION ] “how dark does the surrounding has to be, to take a clear picture with a digital camera ?”
as a professional photographer I was always a Nikon person . however the World as we know it changed when flimsy films went digital on the way to eternal conservation of images . although my heart in Camcorders still remain faithful to Sony (although they have notorious support levels in South Korea due to greedy import contractors), my main AND back-up digital camera has been Panasonic for the past few years . all the while the back-up camera works as a portable spy-camera on hectic conventions . but the now-ailing Sony has up’d the ante with this new technology stucked into a nice thin compact camera in WX1 .
a test of shooting under low light comes when you try taking snapshots in the living room – yes normal light for the human eyes, but cameras always saw it differently and simply put : darker AND with less contrast . yes most current cameras will atest it can shoot indoors but you will notice dotty grains in the output where the camera has switch to higher ISO’s automatically to compensate for low-light situations . with WX1 you can shoot even in the bedroom which is probably the darkest room in a household with the exception of the attic . add to this (I atest : no contest here if you’re a truly /shakin’hands/ person when nervous, duh) Sony has the best movement stabilizer (because in the dark your shots also gets jittery) now you’ve got one mighty (cute) digital camera which can do all things perhaps only without a long~ zoom .
this model has been out for a month now but I had to test it myself instead of just copying the manufacturer’s spec sheet (oh no, we’re NOT that sort of a BLog here, ahem). and behold .. it is TRUE ! AND crisp where focusing on the eyelashes is the point to watch out for in an indoor portrait . better yet, it adds :
- wide-angle, another notch wider than your normal compacts,
- and I can atest Sony has the best movement stabilization in shaky situations,
but again a few points fall short, reminding us the ultimate PERFECT camera is still to come :
- close-up is mild as it CANNOT focus in real macro (in front of your nose) mode,
- the CPU or even software on this one may be out-of-date or pushing too hard, for it takes a while to record continuous multi-shots as well as when you switch to ‘viewing’ mode to varify the cuts you have just take -_-
again you will find more exterior color choices in the homeland of Japan, but heck this (another) technological wonder looks best in cool Black 😉