Smallest Tiny Compact Egg KWF-2700 Portable Wi-Fi Review and Speed Test
June 1st, 2012 10:33 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
This is the continuing saga of Chicken-Man and its quest to bear incredible (i.e., smaller but stronger, far-reaching signals with longer battery life) Eggs like no chicken has laid before ..
yes every IT company wants to pack their product up ...Read More
Best WiBro Egg Combination for NEW iPad 3 Spring 2012
May 14th, 2012 03:12 AM | by koreatech | WireLess.
as we were selling off our Original iPad and iPad 2 to dig-in for the NEW iPad 3, we had to endure the pain of how used 3G models sold at near-Wi-Fi prices . so more will be opting for the ...Read More
KT Telecommunications Cell Carrier New Data Transfer Subcription Rate Plan for Egg WireLess WiBro Devices
April 1st, 2012 12:00 PM | by koreatech | WireLess.
don't get intimidated for it's not April's Fool, but just wanted to show you what you should check at least once a year, as telecommunications bill is a biggie in Post-Millennium Korean Life . all in Korean just as the ...Read More
Sony DSC-WX1 DSC-HX5V Brighter Compact Digital Cameras Compare
April 20th, 2010 12:00 PM | by koreatech | camera.
long after the days of Single Reflex Cameras and even compact cameras that glitzed Japanese tourist in the hay days counting down to the burst of their travel-around-the-World in 8 days Bubble Boom, new kind of cameras with a bright technology comes our way Post-Millennium .Read More
compact Sony digitial camera for low-light surroundings DSC-WX1 review
November 6th, 2009 04:48 AM | by koreatech | camera.
another first from Sony a compact digital camera that shoots in low-light conditions DSC-WX1Read More