All Girl Group Sohn Dam Bi and After School AMOLED Dance Performance on Streets of Seoul

while the mass populace of the Capital of Seoul is still out on vacation elsewhere, sleek female singer Sohn, Dam Bi and all-girl dance group After School (who debut early this year) give free live performance to promote SamSung Electronics’ latest AnyCall Brand ‘AMOLED’ cell phone .


the event will take place August 8th and 9th then 14th, 15th and 16th at COEX Exhibition Complex (Seoul, South), ShinCheon (Seoul, West), MyungDong (Central Seoul), Gymnastic Stadium at Olympic Park (JamSil, South). but sorry, it is hard to varify the showing times at the moment -_-

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yeah, you wish <3 but observers are reporting that this is NOT the actual Sohn, Dam Bi AND After School members but choreograph dancers dancing to the tune of the promotion song “AMOLED” Music Video, as in :

One thought on “All Girl Group Sohn Dam Bi and After School AMOLED Dance Performance on Streets of Seoul

  1. how can i really make my self a star………..really wanted to be a member of afterschool even if im a boy really……….an girl group with a boy…………anneyongha seayo afterschool zumida……………

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