game mania around the world are excited today with the sneak preview of Sony’s next portable game player NOT dubbed PSP 2 😉
- 3.8 ” screen
- 43% lighter than PSP 3000
- 16GB on board Flash Memory
- BlueTooth support
- UMD Drive goes away for downloadable content
- can add extra memory to Memory Stick Micro
- can add games and movies via PlayStation NetWork
however in South Korea Nintendo Wii has been selling more because more hacked games are used on PSP machines, THE mecca to buy AND exchange are in the UnderGround Toad Market (it is actually the name in Korean translation “DooKwoBi SangGa”) in the center of YongSan Electronic Market AND International Electronic Market (actually top 2 floors of one building named “KukJae JeonJa SangGa”) both in Seoul explained in-depth on my ‘Electronic Districts in Seoul’ page .