Kim, Yuna screensaver, desktop calendar and weather widget

 in the midst of chilling, chilling and still chilling economy AND ever increasing threat of the North’s anything-they-can to get Pacific Rim powers on the donating table : Spring is yet to come mid-March where where today weather dropped just below freezing temperature, although this has been a rather mild Winter for the Korean Penninsula . (a nice distraction to beat the cold tonight is to play the latest WarHammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – those constant howls of monster bosses from hidden jungles can scare the sh*t out of your waking brains)

but as early as mid-January SamSung Electronics is already thinking : Summer : pushing for an all-out ad campaign for HAUZEN air conditioners featuring the current “National idol” figure skater Kim, Yuna . figurably so, because add to the still-traditional Korean attitude towards air conditioners and more-so dish washers as electricity-mongering machines, not many people are buying anything in grim outlook all the way onto next year -_- whew

still some Summers in the Penninsula bearing distinct 4 Seasons, can be unbearable to city dwellers that stores can run out of stock to be delivered in a month time . your bargain wall-mount types for a smallest “one-room” where out-of-town college students rent, would cost W300,000 . while floor-standing types for the living rooms around W1,000,000 . and the more modern 2-room sets with one for a larger living room and a dedicated unit for master bedroom well over W1,500,000 both sharing one exterior fan base . you can tell if a floor type is old because newer domestic models switched from direct front-blowing to side-and-above vents around 2004 thus ‘engulfing’ the room .

 either way air conditioners are looking more like a robot out of the comic and movie ‘Transformers’ because the whole front panel protracts on this model pictured . while the models in mid-2000 the panel on the front hole slid down to reveal front blowing vents .


but this is a God-send if you are one of die-hard Kim, Yuna fans :
surf over onto their HAUZEN Korean website and
download Kim, Yuna’s “Sing Sing Dance” screensaver, her song in the ad :

get her desktop calendar, or even a calendar widget your Korean blog – all until here for free :


and if you DO order an air conditioner you get her special music CD .. right . (psss ~ don’t tell’em I-told-you so : but temperature manipulating machines like refrigerators and air conditioners : LG is better)

all is effective in the month of March 2009 only . at their main page which is all in Korean, you click on the [EVENT] menu on the top-right AND lower right corners . among several events it is the first one at the top, for others are purchase events .

so from tomorrow you can wake up to Kim, Yuna posing each numbers on your clock dial 😉


Yuna’s official TV ad for SamSung Electric’s Hauzen Air Conditioner


and her ‘Making-CF’ video



so while riding-out this recession here is Kim, Yuna performing last year’s dance craze “Nobody” :
(part of ‘Angels on Ice’ special last Christmas)

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