a ripe 25 years after the introduction of Macintosh 128k to the tune of George Orwell’s 1984, last night Apple launched a lineup of new Macs . includes 4 range of iMacs, 2 high-end Mac Pro and 2 cutsie Mac mini . watch Sam’s roundup of the new models :
pretty slow but convincing video huh ? overall not much technical innovation but a better price for the improved specs and for those wondering if this is Christmas :
now waking up from the joyous videos here’s the official site with new machines :
for a page-full of iMac specs :
and ho~ ho~ ho~ the official Korean on-line store has them :
you can order them now but will take more-or-less two weeks until it arrives on your doorsteps .
the new Apple Store in MyungDong which I introduced a month ago will have them aproximately 10 days from now for they are currently awaiting Electromagnetic Device Compatibility Approval .
so either way it will be available in South Korea in about 10 days time . so yesss now we await MacBook ?