HOT Coffee Container Vacuum Flask Thermos JCP-280C Mug Cup JMY-351 Pot

NOT The First Day of Christmas .. but the first snow this Winter 2013 came : day before Monday November 18th. and we look for coffee pots to carry while waiting for the ample 128GB version of iPad Air . and quite a lot of cups and pots to choose from among previously popular imports, as well as domestic models for a bargain .

while people choose between SamSung, LG and DaeWoo on larger electronics here, most locals buy from either of kitchen utensil makers NamYang Kitchen Flower, LocknLock or Kitchen Art in order of popularity, whose warming mug cups can be had for a fraction (less than W5000) imports at over W20,000 . and here you will have to bare its basic, NOT cheap but some-what childish design .

ofcourse in the StarBucks age : brand-name with starring looks count, so here is where you go for imports in stylish design and World-contended technology : we look no further than neighboring Japan, where taking drinks and lunch to work and school has been the modern daily ritual, while the Koreas were being torn . here the small battle is between the synonym of Japanese electric rice cookers : Zojirushi AND the  company that started it all Thermos .

Thermos JCP-280C-CAC W24,000 8cm-tall, diameter 8cm and containing 280ml.
131120 サーモス 真空断熱マグ/JCP-280C 131129 interPark 정품 써모스 JMY-351 원터치 보온보냉병 350ml 6330ex1 131129 interPark 정품 써모스 JMY-351 원터치 보온보냉병 350ml 6330ex2
Thermos JMY-351 Portable Pot W28,500 18cm-tall, diameter 8cm and contains 350ml.
both whose models introduced more than two years ago and their narrow compartment may be easy to handle but not contain much .



( January 2nd Update ) user review on the former mug cup above :

  • retains hotness for an acceptable while – perhaps the first hour, for the top is not a tight-seal type,
  • top-open feature with a thumb while still holding the cup – is neat and much convenient,
  • but the plastic top and it open mechanics have creases where odors of drinks smear into and remain, unless cleaned efficiently especially when trying ginseng drinks ..

and user review on the latter sleek canister above :

  • no handle to hold and the outer texture is slippery – fragile on drinking out-in-the-cold unless you have Mechanix gloves, but considering it is quite thin for even a lean model to grasp with one hand ..

then user review on BOTH above as a whole :

  • BOTH are actually quite smaller than it looks on the advertised photos, especially when you are expecting a grand US diner-size coffee or mug cup,
  • also each color variation offered and design is both cool and sophisticated from the World-renowned Japanese maker dedicated to homely products .


– Korea Tech BLog –

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