what the new Apple iPhone 3G can and cannot do

while our Otaku counterparts in neighboring Japan has been enjoying Apple iPhones to the fullest, those PpaeIn early-adopters in South Korea is out-of-luck since Apple still hasn’t signed up with any local telecommunications company, thus only able to get iTouch which is in short : your iPhone withOUT the phone -_- two major telecommunication companies have been insisting they HAD struck a deal for capatible use in South Korea but that was only talk since last year so no one is hoping for it .. until rumours spread last month that iPhone HAD been cleared of FCC (Federal Communications Commission) requirements .

so amidst mounting rumours the past few days the iPhone 3G has been revealed on the /other/ side of the world . and what-da-ya-know ? afficionados have already split’em wide ~ open into pieces for us to understand what lies under this wonder machine 😉


so what has improved ? here goes a might compact list for the outlook is limitless more-so once it is hacked (the time of recognition came when you could make calls with the iTouch, which was supposed to NOT have phone capabilities).


  • upgraded camera from 2 MegaPixel to 3.2 MegaPixel
  • camera has autofocus where user can select the area to autofocus by touching the target on-screen
  • can record video at 30 frames per second
  • has video editing software
  • includes native YouTube and Flickr uploader
  • contains digital compass integrated with Google Maps
  • continues to have Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS, BlueTooth,
  • choice of 16GB or 32GB models



– to be continued –

[ and some wonders you doubt it’s true ]

such as Brando’s 6x Telescope that attaches onto the camera for USD $19.- as from some users who have tried it : they say it IS worth $19.-


on that note the final contest would probably finally come when it is taken to “The island” of TV series “LOST” fame, to see whether the compass function would work properly where recent episodes have revealed contain immense magnetic irregularity as to disrupt /time/ !

[ but hold it there Johnny ]

with all of the hype, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should go snatch it up . for some breed of wise young men wait until it has been hacked .. Apple has been announcing a new iPhone annually in time for Summer . then come Fall its no-phone version of iTouch would be released to those countries without telecommunication deals, such as South Korea . an by Winter someone will eventually “hack” the phone thus unleashing its “Pandora’s Box” capabilites .

– Korea Tech BLog, June 2009 –


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