Lotte Cinema CGV iMAX MegaBox Movie Theatre Largest Screen SIZE Compare

Rise of the Tower of Babel and reshuffling of existing (older) theatres has changed the demographics on the race to become the largest movie theatre (screen size) over the Korean Peninsula, and as such is the advancement of technology here : on Planet Earth itself . while the vast amount of real-estate space needed for such grande endeavour, made those humongous structures to be built at multi-complexes mostly in satellite cities full of endless apartment complexes, another welcome new-comer within the Capital is CGV iMAX CheonHo Theatre now dwarfing the largest iMAX theatre at JeonJu and Ulsan . incredible to realize both are located on the South-Western end of SEOUL limits just across the Han River, mere 15 minutes-drive from each other ! below : wide-screen sizes in RED rectangle while iMAX theatres are in BLUE
as of last Summer 2015 measured in meters .

  1. Lotte Cinema Super Plex G at World Tower 34 x 13.8m
  2. CGV Starium at YeongDeungPo 31.4 x 13m
  3. CGV Starium in (Busan) Centum City 27 x 11.2m
  4. CGV iMAX at CheonHo 24.7 x 18.7m
  5. CGV iMAX in JeonJu HyoJa and Ulsan SamSan 24.4 x 14.1m
  6. 63 Building Art Hall 24 x 18m
  7. CGV iMAX at WangSimNi and PanGyo 22 x 13.3m
  8. CGV iMAX in ilsan 21.2 x 11.5m
  9. CGV iMAX in DaeGu 20.4 x 11m
  10. Lotte Cinema Super Plex in Suwon and GwangBok 20 x 8.5m
  11. MegaBox M at KiNTEX 19.2 x 10.5m
  12. CGV iMAX in (Busan) SeoMyeon 19 x 11m
  13. MegaBox M2 in YeongTong 19 x 10.3m
  14. CGV iMAX at YongSan iPark Mall 18.3 x 9.9m
  15. CGV iMAX in GwangJu 18 x 9.5m
  16. CGV iMAX in inCheon 18 x 9m
  17. MegaBox M2 at COEX Exhibition Complex 17.4 x 7.4m



  • 11.12.18 Which Best Movie Theatre Watch Mission impossible 4 Ghost Protocol iMAX 2D Seoul WangSimNi Busan
    (iMAX film types and screen sizes) ≫LiNK
  • 15.4.9 Avengers 2 Age Ultron Largest CGV iMAX Starium SCREEN Size ≫LiNK
  • 15.12.12 CGV Lotte Cinema MegaBox Special Effects Theatre Hall Compare ≫LiNK


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