Best NoteBook LapTop Among SamSung Sens MSi HanSung Sparq Lenovo ThinkPad Hasee Apple MacBook Acer for Summer 2012
May 26th, 2012 11:01 PM | by koreatech | LapTop.
in a time when the iPad is used as the ground floor coffee shop menu at the most central-and-now-refurbished Plaza Hotel smack in the middle of old downtown Seoul, you would want a larger notebook or laptop not to overlap in ...Read More
Portable AND Powerful Laptops NoteBooks NetBooks for Fall Autumn 2010 in Korea
October 20th, 2010 03:20 AM | by koreatech | LapTop.
as the second rush of Early Adopters-wanna be's await for Official Korean release of Apple iPad, the earlier ones who have already used the foreign versions know this ain't no laptop NOR even a NetBook, more so if you had ...Read More
Powerful NoteBooks LapTops and NetBooks in South Korea for Summer 2010
June 23rd, 2010 11:06 PM | by koreatech | LapTop.
Powerfull notebooks laptops and NetBooks available in South Korea in Summer 2010 running the latest Core i5 processors with fast graphic cards for serious video or graphic work, multimedia enjoyment AND hardcore gaming .Read More
4 Affordable NetBook NoteBook LapTops Light yet PowerFul Enough for Christmas 2009 in Korea
December 2nd, 2009 11:00 PM | by koreatech | LapTop.
for Christmas 2009 amidst hard times of lagging recession expecially in South Korea here are 4 NetBook / NoteBook / LapTops with sufficient power for work, yet light enough to tote along between home AND work then even on the plane but most of all : very affordable ;)Read More
Christmas Guide Which latest NoteBook LapTop to buy for 2009 2010 in South Korea
November 24th, 2009 12:38 PM | by koreatech | LapTop.
what you've always wanted to asked in buying a notebook or laptop but couldn't because there simply was too many of a choice - a NOT so-dummy's guide to selecting and purchasing a notebook or laptop in South Korea .Read More