Smallest Tiny Compact Egg KWF-2700 Portable Wi-Fi Review and Speed Test

This is the continuing saga of Chicken-Man and its quest to bear incredible (i.e., smaller but stronger, far-reaching signals with longer battery life) Eggs like no chicken has laid before ..

yes every IT company wants to pack their product up like Apple, in a cubic box and inside in layered compartments, where you’ll find all below : and even the charger plug fits like Apple’s


the first impression you get is not small but tiny . wondering if this can bore enough power as, and double the battery life of the original Egg ..

and as you have the cute choice of colors between the usual White, then Grey and Red, it is understandable to come with a matching compact-ish leathering case . but no, it is too tight : for you want to take it out and start using like the good ol’Western cowboys, for experience tells thick casing disrupts wireless signals, especially moving on-the-go . so better use the transparent plastic bag that comes with it .

laid-for-size is my darling ring from my favourite accessory store in the Orient :
Parco Mens Department Store right across from Osaka Umeda Station up North 😉
expensive but unique
and the good news stops here . for aside from the cute choice of colors and tiny size, all usage is against this still delightful device -_-

  1. with the good-intended Stand-By Mode : you are bound to mistakenly turn it off or worse : Reset it to factory mode 0o0
  2. signal is short, so it will barely go out your room (no signal on the third room)
  3. worse, signal is notoriously unstable, although relative strength is in-between Egg 3 and Strong Egg, both from the same third generation of Eggs .

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