iRon Man 3 Digital Review SPOILER Lotte Cinema MyeongDong Avenuel CharLotte

OK let’s begin like another Star Wars Opening Crawl .. “no-matter how techie one can be, it is a period of physical illness, to find myself on iRon Man 3 Release Day . with virtually ALL known state-of-the-art viewing versions of iMAX and 4DX seats (from which I am absolutely addicted .. yearning to re-live the high~ quite different than Universal Studios or even Disneyland) sold-out after business hours, I turn to a conglomerate borne of Japanese candies and biscuits, whose movie options try-hard to follow those of CGV . but as they operate some of the most lavish import brands as well as Airport Duty-Free Shops even I, now opt for the BEST . Korea’s fore-most shopping complex right behind SEOUL’s first international hotel, Chosun . sandwiched between its plate-brand Lotte Department Store Main Branch and its younger sister Young Plaza, await Avenuel ..”
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like Top-Gun, it houses Korea’s best of the best – from shoes to dresses and restaurants, and being opulent the nation’s mind-set has become – mostly imports from Europe . going-up : only on the 5th floor do I at least find that I can barely afford in exquisite stationery and kitchen-ware . above : Lotte Cinema takes up 6, 7 and 8 Floors of this haute building, and further-up on 9 and 10 awaits restaurants, beauty parlours and top-notch view of the Capital classic shopping mecca of MyeongDong and birds-eye view onto NamSan Tower . also a glimpse down to the inter-connected building of Lotte Young Plaza boasting latest trendy items, whose roof is adorned with two parallel gardens with statuette-board of Hallryu – Korean movie stars and singers, mostly girl-groups who have made much cultural impact onto Asia over the Millennium :

P1000401col640 P1000417_640MonPAT2 and to promote iRon Man 3 Lotte Department Store is having a Heroe Character Festival, quite childish endeavour where you can win a life-size statue, movie tickets and socks ?

this joyful statue is located at the inter-connecting hall to Lotte Young Plaza on the sixth floor .

where you follow the Yellow Brick Road onto CharLotte, Lotte Cinemas Premiere posh viewing option .


first you are guided into the waiting lounge resembling a Roman lovers’ lane . you have one basic choice of complimentary drink, then other simple menus paid including hot-dog and nachos . one thing this theatre option does NOT have is your usually popcorn stand, and instead a package sold in super-markets .

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[ CharLotte SEATS ] Ah ..

recollect classic First Class airline seats . in posh leather, and a table aside each seat, with two table as a set in one semi-compartment booths . to imagine how much space you have : calculate you are paying for roughly FOUR person’s normal seating 0o0 so you can spread your arm aside and foot straight front and still won’t reach the other viewer’s seat nor table 😉 as the front row is well beyond the screen and the room NOT that wide : it won’t make /that/ much of a difference if you end up on corner seats .

there is a white button below the table, when pressed : a waiter will come rushing by to attend your needs, really . two set of another buttons beside your shoulder control the leaning angle of your seat, and when pushed to the limit your body will become /almost/ parallel to the ground .

competing CGV has a similar set-up at their lavish CheungDam Cine City Branch, and is the ultimate comfort akin to Cordon-Bleu of movie viewing in South Korea . still may NOT be a wise choice price-wise, nor do local think so, for a good HALF seat-sets were vacant end-of-business time-slot on Official Release Day 0o0


* * * SPOILER ALERT * * *

[  THE MOVIE ] this will be to the tune of the 2011-but classic detective satire “Rum Diary”

in retrospect, I believe this leg of the series best experienced on sound-enhanced theatre versions like SoundX or Dolby Atmos, for there are so much happening at the TWO climax scenes : attack on Malibu Stark residence AND battle at the dock, you won’t be able to visualize by eyes alone anyways .

Malibu residence : I house-sitted on my Aunt and Uncle’s Malibu home with panorama-view of the Pacific Ocean . it remains as the most serene moment in my life, as a deer appeared in the middle of the night to drink by the pool . we stared at each other for a while, and I knew everything was going to be all-right in a time filled with belated, dubious possibilites – one reason why I adore digital art of  Belgian Ruud Van Empel .

and the Attack onto : they may have over-done this, for after witnessing this scene : iron Man series cease to be Science Fiction, but baloney -_- for how do two ladies and a guy who were in the living room, come out alive barely with scratches, from rocket-attacks commanded by a professional killer ??? iron Suit-or-not !!! more-over, do you really need THREE helicopters to demolish a cliff-top mansion over Malibu, even if it is the home of Zillionaire Tony Stark ?! or perhaps they were trying to re-create 1969 James Bond classic ‘007 – On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’.

Remote-Controlled Suits : what makes-up for the empty space within, when some-one is NOT wearing it AND how can it switch instantly from piloted-to-remote control in its vacancy ??? x2


Battle at the dock : with so many iron Men coming to the rescue, make sure you prepare adequate protection just in case you wet your seat 😉 it is the ultimate high of Marvel excitement . a giant new suit makes its introduction and makes us laugh amidst intense battle as The Hulk did on the final attack scene in “The Avengers” . so after the movie : a Snapper will NOT be that fish you have at San Francisco Pier 39 (here showing pre-order prototype action figure from Hong Kong-based Hot Toys, planned to be released end of this Year)

and after all the high-tech extravaganza : the vanity of the human-at-heart to blow up all your creations in a second, for the good of the race duh ?

“You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” – Korea Tech BLog

wait : this movie has one of the best “Rocking” Ending credits !



( May 11th Weekend Update ) history of motion picture release Post-Millennium is also measured by : how soon a copy begins to circulated in P2P sites around the Globe . ofcourse the earliest glimpse can be had at Binary NewsGroups, where you download dispersed files instead of actual um news – further error-free if you subscribe to a couple among half-a-dozen paid services . but here will hint on those on Korean local file-sharing sites, which comes-and-goes as well as open-and-closed depending on crack-down atmosphere much alike a series of military dictatorships that ruled this Peninsula after the Korean War . it usually appears as theatre ticketing sales begin to dwindle .

and a good two-and-a-half Weeks from Korean release, out of a hand-ful of hazy CAM versions : a surprisingly crisp semi-TS (telesync) version wins this Week-end, although with cluttering mono sound .

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