Sohn, Dam Bi introduce Haptic AMOLED Cell Phones SCH-W850, SPH-W8500 and W8550


so newer to-be-popular cell phones keep on comin’ nomatter commercial planes keep crashing into the ocean (Air France Flight 447/AirBus 330 dissappearing between Brazil and Paris on June 1st and now Yemenia Flight IY626/AirBus 310 down yesterday in the Indian Ocean off Comoros islands just South of Seychelles – the very place I dream of having my next vacation -_- with 153 souls .. although a 5 year old girl has been miraculously rescued), and controversial domestic figures commit suicide (actress Jang, Ja Yeon and ex-President Roh, Moo Hyun) and international stars pass away (Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett) .. and how do South Korean youngsters keep affording to buy-and-sell these lucrative wonder of the technological age ?


and ofcourse the answer comes at a price for such delicious work-and-play machines don’t come cheap, at least in South Korea . the phone manufacturer allows telecommunications carrier to forward a portion of purchase price for a one or two year subscription contract . and there are sayings abound where more college girls are lured to part-timing at massage parlours which gives many times-fold earnings of normal part-time jobs called albeit “a-roo-bai-too” (about the same practice AND pronounciation in neighboring Japan).


oops ! sorry, I’m skipping ‘Ultra Haptic’ pictured above – also modeled by Sohn, Dam Bi – because one can no-way revert to sliding phones anymore now . today SamSung Electronics introduced their Cell Phone Brand AnyCall’s new Haptic Line of Cell Phones named ‘Haptic AMOLED’. modeling on-site was no : NOT the popular young actors & actresses of hit TV series ‘Boys Over Flowers’ of Japanese Comic Manga origin, and no : NOT the recent ad star of figure skating idol Kim, Yuna .. but the model-slim dancing singer in Sohn, Dam Bi introduced several times on my Tech BLog 😉 Oh Yeah .


so what’s with the name sounding like a transparent OREO cookie ? FYI (for your information) ICYHN (in case you haven’t noticed) AMOLED stands for Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode, phew ~ ain’t you glad you’re subscribing to Korea Tech BLog ? OK, for the layman : as opposed to normal LCD’s which is back-lit, AMOLED emits light itself thus has more viewing angle as well as said to use less energy . technology that emits its own light enables fuller natural colors and is said to react fast to touch . let’s see if it all turns out to be true . all contained in so far the largest LCD of full-screen LCD’s in 3.5 inches diagonal .

but behold : according to those who have held it first-hand on earlier conventions : the apparatus seems a bit thick for this thinning-of-full-screen-cell-phones times .. perhaps a tad early for a brand new technology ? well, I’m waiting until the time is ripe .


some oh’s and WoW’s in the form of pizzaz include the first cell phone to contain video codecs such as DivX, 264, MPEG4 and AC3 audio codec which are all popular in encoding movies to sizes recordable in CD’s and DVD’s (well, stashing all into 1TB hard drive is the norm now but that is another story). also ‘One-Finger Zoom’ action which enables 10x zoom in-and-out with the touch of a finger . then your normal bunch of DMB TV, M-Commerce, 5 Million Pixel camera, BlueTooth, Navigation, etc.


as usual SCH-W850 is dedicated for SKT while SPH-W8500 for KTF and SPH-W8550 for LGT telecommunication carriers . original list price is aproximately W800,000 but may be bought for around W400,000 with 2 year subscription contracts . these similar models of different carriers normally do NOT come out at the same time . in the case of ‘Boys Over Flowers’ Cell Phone ‘Haptic Pop’ the SKT model of SCH-W750 started out while Kim, Yuna’s ‘Haptic Mini’ started out with KTF model first in SPH-W7500 . and in this case of this ‘Haptic AMOLED’ it looks as if LGT (LG Telecom) will start out first, followed by KTF (Korea Telecom FreeTel) and lastly SKT (SK Telecom).


– Korea Tech BLog, July 2009 –

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