Battery Lamp Torch Light for Computer Assembly Repair


in the Millennium basically run by technology : putting together a computer and getting down to upgrade peripherals or for repair, is like the appetizer and desert of your favourite entree which would be then the long~ hours on the mainframe .

it is a time you want to savour but at times in urgency . and with still heavy hard disks storing your precious files for graphic and media it takes up much space, you have to get down under the table any time day or night .

one source of light for over-all assembly as well as pin-pointing that crucial connection : thus it best NOT be designer’s from a NonHyunDong lighting/furniture boutique, but a dependable and durable no-frills all-American camp lantern or automobile torch light from a hardware store – the nuts-and-bolts type, and in Korea’s case the electric corner of your local super-market chain .

in my technological sojourn on Planet Earth, I change’em every three years or so, and thank them for providing me with periods of pure joy – ofcourse, some seen the drastic electric “puff” 0o0

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